My doc wants me to get the Carbometrics but I like the On-X

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your story is very impressive!

Can you tell something about the different types of valves you got implanted?
I guess you started with the cage-ball type?




sheylathomas said:
Surgeons are often trained to implant the largest (esp aortic) valve replacement valve size possible for a given aorta to provide the patient maximum hemodynamics and provide optimal regression of LVMI (left ventricular mass index) and hypertrophy caused by the overloaded heart working too hard to pump blood through a restricted AV or MV.

So while a valve may have better hemodynamics when comparing equal sizes than others, On-X for example, IF IT IS A FATTER/wider VALVE, then the surgeon will not be able to implant the same size in the annulus as he would a (for example) smaller St Jude valve. Thus, the hemodynamic advantage of On-X would be nullified b/c a smaller On-X valve would have to be put in. This scenario os also common with tissue valve hemodynamic comparisons. At the end of the day, the valve with the best ratio of internal diameter to external diamter is the best hemodynamically, all other things being equal.

So, Sheyla, just for the sake of my trying to understand all of this.........Milkman had a 23 On-X implanted whereas he might have been able to have a say, 25 St. Jude? Is that the way that works? Bigger volume is better and because the On-x packaging is wider, the innards are smaller than in a slimmer, low fat valve?

Thanks for trying to educate me, but still wallowing a bit............. J.
?? On-x

?? On-x

I asked my surgeon and good friend Ed Lefrak, longtime chief of heart surgery, at Inova Fairfax and author of a fine book on heart valve prostheses in the 1970's this question.
Our website valvereplacement .com has had unofficial but cogent reports on the superior hemodynamic properties of the new ON-X prosthetic valve and also intimated that a lower level of anticoagulation perhaps only aspirin may be possible. Your opinion please?

His verbatim reply.
" Marty, From what I have read the Regent model of the St. Jude and the ON-X have similar excellent hemo dynamics.I would be very cautious about using less than full anticoagulation yet with any mechanical prosthesis. Reports such as those you mentioned have appeared for decades. It takes time to be sure and so far novalve has passed the long term test of doing well without full anticoagulation. We'll see though. Best regards to you. Ed"
Thanks for sharing...........

Thanks for sharing...........

Marty, thanks for sharing your surgeon's opinion as we are still out here mulling over whether we should push our surgeon toward the On-x or not. Thanks again for taking the time to post that. Hugs.
That's my name!

That's my name!

Carbomedic valve in the aortic position, 02.25.02.
Clicking well, just switched to warfarin from brand name, $$$$$$$$$$$,
biggest issue? Hypertension.
Was not given choice, but then, the surgeon been in there.
Moo said:
More than happy to tell you everything, if you want to listen...


Sorry if it was too much info, but that's the abridged version,


Thanks for that background, Rich. I like your attitude--how else could you have pulled through all that? I hadn't seen this post when I first contacted you.
