My daughter has wolf parkinson white syndrome,

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Oh I am, she is to schedule an echo with our cardiologist... he heard a murmur..and Im betting its the mitral.. she will be the 6th in our family.... :eek:
not a good history here.... :eek:
Yaps said:
Im betting its the mitral.. she will be the 6th in our family.... :eek:

Bummer :(

But, I guess the good news is that she made it back home & will be getting some answers soon - and, hopefully, a fix for whatever's wrong. I'll continue to keep you all in my prayers.



I have WPW. I have had 4 abaltion attempts and the fourth was successful. I have also the mitral and aortic mechanical valves. In October I had a Medtronic InSync CRT implanted which paces my ventricles 100% of the time and the atrium at 12%. History of low potassium which will not rise past 3.3 taking 8- 20meq talets per day. Planning on changing that tomorrow since it is so tough to swallow that many and havoc on my ulcers. I was also diagnosed with a Mahaims Fiber which was destroyed with radio frequency during the last abaltion. I do hope she is feeling better. I certainly understand how she felt during the episode she had. I tried the entire spectrum of meds for the afibs and tachys and did get much relief from a couple of them for a short time. I wonder if they will do an EP study at this time for the WPW. I am so glad to have the pacemaker--Ruby (pacemaker) captured 567 episodes just last month for me. Bless her.
No problem

No problem

I would be glad to talk to her. The symptoms you described when she was not feeling well sounded all to familiar. How is she doing now after some mega potassium. Not many WPW's on this site. let me know if you or she needs anything.
Yaps, thank God it wasn't the worst but low-levels of potassium aren't benign either. I hope she thinks about what may have triggered the episode, if anything ... I was told to stay away from bananas, tomatoes and too much coffee. I also have regular K checks.

I can imagine how she feels with the little one. Tell her to focus on loving him, that always soothes my fears.

My Kathy has an appt for echo on Friday, my cardios followed up and called today, I wouldnt let her worm out of it... :) her insurance isnt in effect yet..I told her to tell them that, they still insist she come...Dr Bunch and Buckley..they are good.. :)


I am glad your Kathy got the appointment so she can quickly find out if something needs to be addressed. Good for you to mom. With the WPW they should do an EKG also, unless she had one done yesterday. Two really easy, painless tests to ease ones mind.
Another Kathy
Kathleen you may be hearing from Kathleen..whooeeee not to confusing eh?? :p
How's she doing today?

How's she doing today?

Dear Yaps, is she better today? Isn't she a member of VR too? It would be nice if she started coming here to read the posts and also send messages. Take care!
Débora :)
I also know what she is going thru

I also know what she is going thru

My name is nicole and I'm 29, I havent been posting lately because my computer crashed but I also suffered with those episodes. In 200 I was in an accident it started arrythmyia and I promise I was to the hospital weekly for cardioversion by paddeles and adensine, none of which controlled it, I saw numerous doctors tried al sorts of meds and finally by the grace of God after my fourth ablation, they completly ablated my entire nodes and now I,m 100% paced all the time and that made a difference. Although I suffered some more sickness I found some wonderful doctors at the Mayo clinic and last year I had OHS where they fixed my valve, did a radical percardectomy, and switch out my pacemaker wires and put a patch on my asending aorta, and after a hard recovery I am doing wonderful.
Before when I had my spells with the fast heartrate I would have extreme chest pains under my left arpit and sometimes down my arm, I also passed out all the time that is why Working, during my episodes of the fast hearts 220 and up my potasium always stayed low and even now I have to stay on potassium pills. I hope everything is going better for you or your daughter and if she ever wants to talk, I ve been through quite alot, keep in prayer. stay positive and try to find a doctor who is willing to go the distance and get you feeling better, I had a problem finding a doctor to follow through but finally I did. God Bless and I will keep you in my prayers
Thankyou, she had an echo done yesterday, sees dr on Friday.. hope for some news then.


Yaps said:
Thankyou, she had an echo done yesterday, sees dr on Friday.. hope for some news then.

Thanks everyone for being concerned, i was at work, hanging clothes at wally mart!(wal-mart) and I felt a squeezing sensation under my left breast, and after the 3rd attempt at taking a deep breath, pain shot thru my left side and up my neck and face. vision kind of weird now, left hand at times trembles write. had an echo done Tuesday, go to the DR next friday on the 26th.
was kind of scatterbrained sunday and monday, but seem to be myself today, had a headache before and after, stil a lil one today, but not completely gone. sigh, had 2 abilations 3 years ago, Dr says succsesful, but report said still activity around my AV node. they said at ER there was a MurMur but I dont know which kind... my head was slitting...


Kathy are you on coumadin for the afibs? The symptoms you described were just like the ones I had at my desk vat work. I had a terrible headache for 2 weeks. When the numbness started I went to the hospital and they scanned me after I told them how much my head hurt. I had had a brain hemorraghe and a stroke. Had to stay in the hospital for a week then off work for 6 weeks until it absorbed back into my system. Hope all comes back well with your echo.
Another Kathy with WPW