I'm not sure how many of you might recall a joke I played on my cardiologist with my on-call doc after my VR, but let me refresh your memory. I had been in a room for about a day and a half and I was ready to get on a computer and talk to all my on-line buddies (I hadn't yet found this forum, but I had others). The nurses wouldn't let me go up the ONE floor to where the computers were, so when the on-call doc came through I asked him if I could go. He said, "I don't see why not." My mother told him it was a good thing he'd agreed, or I would have called my card. and tattled on him (they had been residents together a long time ago, and good friends). He got this glimmer in his eye and said "Ohh! Do that. I want to see what she does!" So the plan was set. I called my cardiologist and left a message with her PA (explaining to him what the joke was) to have her call me back. She did. And I gave her this whole sob story about how the Dr. was so mean, and all I wanted to do was go up ONE floor to check my email and he wouldn't let me... She was shocked. She told me to talk to him again, but if it was still a problem, she'd call and talk to him herself. Unfortunately, it was the last day of the month, and the next day I had a different on-call doc. So I never saw him again, and we were unable to continue our joke. So when I returned to Dallas (the surgery was in Houston) and had my first follow-up with my card I had to tell her the truth. She was so funny. She went out into the main office and told all of her staff about what we had done. She said "Oh, I won't get mad. But I WILL get even."
Okay, so now you're up to date on that. Here's what happened this week.
I have a friend from on-line who happens to live in the same area I do. He started complaining about his card and asking if anyone knew a better one in the area. So I told him about my card, because I absolutely love her. He set up an appt. with her for this past Monday. On Monday night I emailed him asking how it went. I also happened to talk to my card that night and asked if she'd met him. She said something I found somewhat odd, but I dismissed it. She said "Be nice," when I said I was emailing him to find out how it went. Well, the next day I got an email from my friend that completely floored me. He said she'd been rude, telling him he was a "know it all" and dismissed his problems as insignificant. I could not believe that my wonderful cardiologist, who yells at me if I don't let her know everything that is going on and can tell from my voice if I'm not telling her something, would every be rude to a patient! I didn't know what to say to him, so I didn't reply right away. Yesterday I had to talk to my card again (getting my INR back in line after the ear incident) and she asked if I'd talked to my friend. I wasn't sure what to say. I told her I had thought his email must have been a joke or something when first reading it because it just didn't sound like her. She said "Oh, really? What did he say?" So I hesitatingly told her some of what was in the email. She started laughing and said "I told you I'd get even!"
I died laughing (well, not literally, but you know what I mean). My husband heard my reaction from the other room and went "You mean it was a joke!" I then read her the entire email so she could see what a good job her accomplice had done, and we laughed some more. It has been over a year since my joke on her, and I did not see it coming AT ALL. She got me good. I then emailed my friend and said "BOY did you get me! So what did you REALLY think of her?" I have to admit, I've never had a doctor I've felt so comfortable with that we can play jokes on each other and laugh together about them. I absolutely LOVE my cardiologist.
I just had to share... (sorry it was so long)
Okay, so now you're up to date on that. Here's what happened this week.
I have a friend from on-line who happens to live in the same area I do. He started complaining about his card and asking if anyone knew a better one in the area. So I told him about my card, because I absolutely love her. He set up an appt. with her for this past Monday. On Monday night I emailed him asking how it went. I also happened to talk to my card that night and asked if she'd met him. She said something I found somewhat odd, but I dismissed it. She said "Be nice," when I said I was emailing him to find out how it went. Well, the next day I got an email from my friend that completely floored me. He said she'd been rude, telling him he was a "know it all" and dismissed his problems as insignificant. I could not believe that my wonderful cardiologist, who yells at me if I don't let her know everything that is going on and can tell from my voice if I'm not telling her something, would every be rude to a patient! I didn't know what to say to him, so I didn't reply right away. Yesterday I had to talk to my card again (getting my INR back in line after the ear incident) and she asked if I'd talked to my friend. I wasn't sure what to say. I told her I had thought his email must have been a joke or something when first reading it because it just didn't sound like her. She said "Oh, really? What did he say?" So I hesitatingly told her some of what was in the email. She started laughing and said "I told you I'd get even!"
I died laughing (well, not literally, but you know what I mean). My husband heard my reaction from the other room and went "You mean it was a joke!" I then read her the entire email so she could see what a good job her accomplice had done, and we laughed some more. It has been over a year since my joke on her, and I did not see it coming AT ALL. She got me good. I then emailed my friend and said "BOY did you get me! So what did you REALLY think of her?" I have to admit, I've never had a doctor I've felt so comfortable with that we can play jokes on each other and laugh together about them. I absolutely LOVE my cardiologist.