Thank you, thank you wonderful people for all your good wishes for Lady. I knew you animal lovers would understand my struggles. At this time Lady is doing okay. She stayed two days at the vets and they ran all kinds of tests. It was expensive, but to me it was worth it. They put her on vitamin K and I am giving her this real expensive dog food that is supposed to be good for her liver. She had real high liver counts. All her other blood counts were fine. She was exhausted by the time I got her home. I couldn't get her to get out of the car. She weighs about 70lbs and I just can't lift her so I kinda of dragged her out. She would't have anything to do with me for a long time. I guess she was mad at me for leaving her at the vets. Of course she still wanted to come in the house. I had cleaned up her bed and it was all nice and fluffly. She went and laid down on it and stayed there all day. By evening time she was my best friend again. I was sitting in my La-z-boy reading and here she came all 70lbs of her and crawled up in my lap and put her head on my chest as to say "Thanks Mom." The vet really seems to think that she got into poision from somewhere. She's a farm dog and used to drag in all kinds of things but as she's got older she doesn't roam anymore. She's a real calm, loving dog. She loes the grandkids, really loves everyone. She loves to chase, balls, fisbees, sticks and bring them back to you. She was my father-in-law's dog. If fact I got her for him the month after my mother-in-law died. She was about eight weeks old. She was a great cow dog when he had cows. You could find her laying out right in middle of the herd. One time a bunch of little calves got out and she went up the lane (without being told) and brought them back in through the gate that Dad had opened. She's a very smart dog! I inherited her from him after he died, that way she got to stay with the farm because we bought the family farm.
I only wish animals lived as long as we did. I think a little part of me dies everytime I lose one of my precious furry friends.
Thanks again!