I'm almost at 10 weeks post surgery and wanted to provide an update. It's a long update - so buckle up if you're interested?
Things are going great (fingers crossed). I feel human again
. This morning I did a 3.4 mile walk with my neighbor ... with plenty of gas left in the tank. "Rehab" (which is really just cardio exercise for 45 minutes) is going awesome. Yesterday I held an average 125bpm for 45 minutes with spikes to 150 as I pushed myself (which I tend to do). I never get out of breath and I think I am the only one in rehab sweating and going for gold (lol). I've started weights again and it will be a slow crawl back to where I was, but I am on that path for sure. Feels phenomenal to hold and use dumbbells again. Can't wait to do benchpress and pullups one day!
Latest appointment with my cardiologist went great too. My previous stenotic aortic valve was so small that it was shooting blood out at 4.2 m/s with a pressure differential of 70 mmHg. My heart was working hard to get blood out that tiny opening. The new valve is flowing the same volume but at 1.7 m/s with only a 12 mmHg pressure differential. What an improvement. I don't feel a difference yet, but I probably will after full recovery and getting back to some running (I've already started some small jogs during my walks). X-Rays are showing that my lungs are good to go and my aorta is happy. Sweet!
My sternum has healed up pretty good. I have a nice, 8" long
story on my chest now. Was just out in the garage sawing up some wood this weekend shirtless. Speaking of house work, I felt good enough to be up on a ladder taking my broken garage door opener apart to replace a broken sprocket in a 100d garage ... and pulling the lights off the front of the house for a repaint. Woohoo!
I have my Warfarin in check and and I've moved from testing every day to 3 times a week. Currently taking 11mg a day and have been steady the past two weeks and averaging 2.8 with all of my readings being between 2.6 and 3. Sweet. Next up will be moving to twice a week and then eventually once a week. Looking forward to that ... but I'm not in a rush either.
HUMONGOUS thanks to
@pellicle for managing me, educating me on many levels, and being patient with me.
I was 170lbs prior to surgery. I am only 160lbs now. Lost a lot of muscle, but have no doubt that I'll eventually gain it back. The good news is that I have managed to keep my eating habits in check so that I don't gain much weight in the wrong places while allowing the healing process to progress.
I did have some small concerns about the level of clickity-clackety that this valve would make. It didn't disappoint me, but It is still totally not an issue. Luckily, we are white noise people. It's rare to find me without music. We have air cleaners running and the sounds of crickets on the phone at night. I never really hear it. That said, get me into a completely quiet room and I sound like a loud watch, lol. I went into work the other day and my teammate said "That's you?!?". "Why yes, yes it is. Would you like to know the time?"
I still have healing to do (obviously) and that will take several months or more. But, I am super happy with how things are going and super thankful for my amazing blessings. Huge special thanks to the Lord (Amen!) and to my amazing wife. Without either of them, I wouldn't be where I am (mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, etc.).