my 3,000th post

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Premium Level User
May 18, 2004
Well, lookie here!! I'm just tooting my own horn!!

I guess this doesn't amount to that much as many have achieved this, and so many others here have tripled that amount, but I happened to glance up this morning and see that 2,999 number and figured at least I'd get some kind of *** from Ross about it!!

It also gives me a reason to say how incredibly meaningful it is for me to have this place to come to, day after day, month after month. There is always someone here that I "know", or someone here who could probably use a smile or a word from me. It's one of the nicest places I've ever gone to visit!!!! A favorite stop. A safe place.

Thank you all for listening to me, looking for me, smiling at me, frowning at me and mostly -- hearing me. What a fantastic place to be heard.

:D Marguerite
Congratulations on your 3,000th. Thanks for hangin' out here and posting. It's regulars like you that make the place so warm and friendly, which I am sure helps makes the newbies feel at home.
Well, lookie here!! I'm just tooting my own horn!!

I guess this doesn't amount to that much as many have achieved this, and so many others here have tripled that amount, but I happened to glance up this morning and see that 2,999 number and figured at least I'd get some kind of *** from Ross about it!!

It also gives me a reason to say how incredibly meaningful it is for me to have this place to come to, day after day, month after month. There is always someone here that I "know", or someone here who could probably use a smile or a word from me. It's one of the nicest places I've ever gone to visit!!!! A favorite stop. A safe place.

Thank you all for listening to me, looking for me, smiling at me, frowning at me and mostly -- hearing me. What a fantastic place to be heard.

:D Marguerite


I will say 'thanks' to you and 'Congratulations' to us for having you 3000 times sharing your experience, wisdom, and putting a smile on our faces! I still consider myself a newbie, but I definitely enjoy your posts and appreciate the time you put in!

May you stay healthy and happy *and around* for many long years to come.:)
Thank you for all of your advise and words of encouragement through your 3000 posts. I'm sure I speak for us all, we truely appreciate you.
Congratulations on your 3000th post. Thanks for all of your thoughtful posts.

Whether we have more or less posts than you, 3000 posts are still a heck of a lot of writing, good advice, caring, communication and love. Thank you for being here and staying around - many people do not.

Whether we have more or less posts than you, 3000 posts are still a heck of a lot of writing, good advice, caring, communication and love. Thank you for being here and staying around - many people do not.


Huh? I though it was spam. :confused::D


I'll toot my horn for you too. Thank you so much for all tht you have contributed here. And, thank you so much for the many posts that you made which were just what we needed when we needed them.

You have made a great contribution here. I, for one, say Hipp, Hipp, Hooray!....and three Cherrs for you.

I can honestly say that I've enjoyed reading all 3,000 of them! :)Now get busy on the next 3,000!:p
Me too,Marguerite,I also enjoy your posts which are helpful and sincere.
The only difficulty is trying not to misspell your name:D
Keep 'em coming!!
Marguerite,CONGRATULATIONS and posts are so sincere and enjoy
having you to experience our growing through your informative posts.


zipper2 (DEB)
Happy 3000 to a very valued member. Looking forward to the next 3000! :D