My 1st year has been a breeze

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I owe my miraculous survival to my brilliant surgeon and his team and the many many prayers from here and all over the world.
I have since learnt that you only have a few minutes to be defibrillated to have the best chance of surviving a cardiac arrest. I had one in ICU and 2 shortly after in the OR. Its a weird feeling knowing that you nearly didnt make it.
Dear Tonia,

It is wonderful to know that your first year has been so good. You are a very brave woman.

Thinking about your three cardiac arrests is still frightening, Tonia. It reminds me of someone else who had a very rough time following valve and aneurysm surgery. Incredibly sick and near death. Later this person showed the medical records from that time to another physician. When this doctor read what had happened, he told them that someone that sick usually does not make it. Then the doctor told them a little story about what happened. He said that there is a list of the names of those expected to come to heaven each day. Angels check that list to see who they are to bring home. On the days this person was so sick, an angel would come and ask "Is Mr. X to come to heaven today?" The list was checked, but no, Mr. X's name was not there. It was not his day to come - he was still needed on earth.

It was the doctor's way of telling them that some things are just beyond human understanding and capability.

Tonia, I am sure that your doctors were brilliant, and that your survival was indeed a miracle, keeping you here with us, where you are so needed. May you having many many wonderful years to come.

With wishes for all good things to you and your family,