muscle pain from statins use

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Statin choice

Statin choice

Hello Jeff. I have all of them in my cupboard. The Doc has me on 40 mg of Simvastatin which I break in half because 20 is plenty in terms of muscle pain.
I found this statin to be the most mild for me. I think you really have to listen to your body. On a side note, I find it interesting that some folks are taking Q10. The docs told me that it is useless. However, I am taking it and feel better for it. It does affect your INR but it eventually settles out as long as you are consistent.

The other question around this is that my angiogram showed clean arteries, but I have high Cholestrol. This seems to be consistent with others in this forum in terms of the clear arteries. I suffer from these moments of vision loss which I blame on a clot sneaking by. So I take the statin, thinking that if I can keep those LDLs out of the way, better chance of a clear blood highway. If it wasn't for that I think I would drop them period.
I took Lipitor about 10 years ago. Within the first couple days of starting I woke up at night with screaming muscle pains in my legs. When I told the doctor, he said stop right away and never take any statin drugs again. Fine with me. Cholesterol is usually good except for when I get very hypothyroid (it happens) and it goes up a lot, and then goes down when thyroid is back in normal range. Coronary arteries were ok on the angiogram I had in October. They should be! I come from olive oil people.
I took Lipitor about 10 years ago. Within the first couple days of starting I woke up at night with screaming muscle pains in my legs. When I told the doctor, he said stop right away and never take any statin drugs again. Fine with me. Cholesterol is usually good except for when I get very hypothyroid (it happens) and it goes up a lot, and then goes down when thyroid is back in normal range. Coronary arteries were ok on the angiogram I had in October. They should be! I come from olive oil people.

I didn't know about the hypothyroid and cholesterol connection. That may explain why my cholesterol dropped from 265 to 128 after starting Levothyroxin. Also, I'm taking 40 mg. of Lipitor, and so far so good. I knew that Lipitor would lower my cholesterol, but my total cholesterol has never been as low as 128!


hi don't know if this is in the right section .i have been taking a statin since my valve op in 2007. simvastatin being the first one i was prescribed after the first stages of using the drug i had no problems , them my gp decided to double my dosage from 20mg to 40mg a day . since then i have had very painful muscle aches he then changed me over to lipitor 20mg i was ok for a few months then back to the muscle pain so my gp changed it again to crestor 10mg and the pain is now unbearable to the point were i can't lift my left arm up at all with out helping it with my right arm . had a test some time ago for rhabdomyolysis and nothing was found there . any help or information gratefully received
cheers jeff :)

Hi Jeff,

im a new member for the record, but my father was on statins for 2 years and went down hill over a period of time suffering from muscle pains and in the end depression, all this i believe down to statins, our gp suggested anti drpesents........ i convinced my dad to come of statins completley put him on a high multi vit and min with 150mg on coq10 and withing 1 month he was like a new man, 12 months later i just dont hear him complain about muscle pain any more, hes back to his old self, i personally think statins are bad news, but if you decide to carry on with them start taking coq10

Hi Jeff,

im a new member for the record, but my father was on statins for 2 years and went down hill over a period of time suffering from muscle pains and in the end depression, all this i believe down to statins, our gp suggested anti drpesents........ i convinced my dad to come of statins completley put him on a high multi vit and min with 150mg on coq10 and withing 1 month he was like a new man, 12 months later i just dont hear him complain about muscle pain any more, hes back to his old self, i personally think statins are bad news, but if you decide to carry on with them start taking coq10


thanks Russell i wont be taking any more statins i have tried all of them now and they all give me muscle pain each time taking longer to get over the muscle pain .so im going to take yours and other posters advice and hopefully my aches and pains will disappear
thanks jeff
well after a constant battle to lower my cholesterol level i was sent to see a lipidologist he recommended i take 100mg of cq10 for one week before i start to take 5mg of crestor (rosuvastatin ) once a week+ 10mg of ezetimibe. and a 20% reduction in my food intake to be reviewed after two months .
as any one else tried this way of lowering there cholesterol .
I've only recently joined the forum but I have in interest in cholesterol. Some doctors would consider my cholesterol levels are too high, my total cholesterol is 274 (that's 7.1 in UK figures). However, both my cardiologist and endocrinologist are happy with my cholesterol as it is because of the profile. I have high HDL: 104 (2.7) and low triglycerides: 44 (0.5). At my last review I expressed a bit of concern about the LDL: 162 (4.2) but my endo said "oh that's just a calculated value" ! He was talking about the Friedewald calculation that is done to work out LDL, it's hardly ever measured directly like the others in the lipid profile. I was amazed to hear this admission from a regular doctor ! So I work at my cholesterol to keep the HDL high and the triglycerides low - omega-3 fish oils, oily fish, exercise, almonds, bit of red wine, coconut oil for cooking, all appear to help.
A possible answer for muscle pain associated with Statin Usage its called CoQ 10

A possible answer for muscle pain associated with Statin Usage its called CoQ 10

So you’re having muscle pain from Statin Use ay? Well, welcome to the club! As you can see, many of us have had the same thing happen as a result of the introduction of Staten drugs to our diet. I was diagnosed last year with a 90% blockage of my RCA and although that was my only blockage, my Cardio insists that I keep my bad cholesterol well below 100. One Stent is enough thankyou!

Now one thing I can recommend that may help you (it helped me incredibly) is the introduction of one of two supplements into your diet. For us over 40 folks, a metabolized version of Coenzyme Q10 (also known as Co Q10) called Ubiquinol may be the answer!

In addition to helping the feeding of your body at the cellular level, the short story is that Ubiquinol (or Co Q10) can really help to get you past the muscle pain of Staten use.

I started on 40mg of Syvastatin, couldn’t handle the pain, got switched to Zetia, couldn’t handle the diarrhea, and than to Previstatin which gave me a level of muscle pain I could live with. I started with the Ubiquinol about 3 months in and within 2 weeks, the pain was gone. My cardio didn’t care one way of the other and asked me to let him know how the Ubiquinol worked out for me. He was very happy to see that it worked wonders and now, I can have my statins and my ubiquinol without any pain.

I also supplement my Ubiquinol usage with Krill Oil, L-Carnatine, D-Ribose and a vitamin B complex and my energy level has simply been over the top! (Reference the work of Dr. Stephen Sinatra - The Sinatra Solution).

I currently take Metropolol, Previstatin, Plavix, and Aspirin and that cocktail had me really down and depressed with a lot of joint and muscle aches. The supplements (from a reliable source, not GNC) put me right back to my old self and not a minute too soon! Take that Viagra!

Check out, I use his Ubiquinol and when you read his opinions of why the stuff he sells is better, you can make up your own mind. I beg ANY of you heart patients whether you are a new valve recipient, have CAD or any other disease that forces you to take drugs that affect the heart muscle tissue (like a lot of BP meds and Staten’s) to check out the work of Sinatra and consult your Cardio before undertaking ANY changes to your diet or addition of supplements. What works for me might not work for you.
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Hello Jeff,

Had the same muscle pains from statins - since then have been on SLO-NIACIN 250MG SA tablets. The doctor started me on a small dosage and increased the dosage every 4 weeks, if tolerated. I am taking 1 tablet in the morning and 2 tablets at night - this is controlling my cholesterol very well.
Only side affect is a heat flush of the body lasting about 30 min, which occurs only about once a month - specifically if I had some wine shortly before taking my medication at night.
Once you figure out what food triggers these heat flushes - it can be prevented/limited too.

Jake i have to try the cq10 for 2months with 5 mg of crestor + 10mg of ezetimibe then to be reviewed ,thank you for your post and the pm very informative.
IMO, I would never take a statin even if someone was going to pay me big bucks. That class of drugs is extremely dangerous. Consider for a moment, that your heart is a muscle. A drug that causes muscle pain in the muscles you can perceive as experiencing pain surely also is damaging the most important muscle in your body, namely your heart. Taking statins is, IMO, as stupid a thing anyone can do. The Doctors who prescribe them all are guilty of malpractice, IMO.
I have to agree here. I took Lipitor for years, stopping it once but returning when cholesterol went back up. But I had the awful pain again - even using a wheelchair and walker so I just quit. My dr told me there are people who just can't take it and he agreed to let me stop but put me on Zetia, which didn't do anything even after several yrs of taking it. Niacin might be an answer.
I am on 40mg of Lipitor, and have had no problems at all sicne i started 500mg of CoQ10, and 1500mg of L-carnitine per day. There are other benefits to this combo other than just the muscle pain including reduction in tris and some weight loss.

It is best to take split this dosage twice or three times per day to keep a constant supply.
well 4 weeks in to taking crestor and the muscle pains in my shoulders and legs have returned i have another 4weeks before my appointment with my lipidologist . i was wondering weather to increase the co-cq10 to 200 mg per day to see if it made a difference .
Thank you all. It was interesting to read through your experiences. My gp wants to put me on statins because he wants my numbers below 100. My bads are constantly coming in at high 120's to low 130's. I eat a generally healthy diet and I run. So the muscle pain issue is one that I am concerned about.
this subject cntinues to be interesting and informative and has been around for yrs & yrs on VR. And we still don't have answers that satisfy all of us. I have permanent damage and trouble walking - of course some is from arthritis, but the statins (Lipitor) was my original downfall.

Kcam, you might not have any trouble at all until you try it. So many people don't have any pain. I have heard one dr say that with all the benefits Lipitor provides, everybody should possibly be on it - tho he did not agree with that statement. Yes, there some of us who just cannot use it. Wishing you good luck and hope you come back (if you try statins) to tell us your results. Blessins........
just a quick update for those that are interested .my lipidoligist as taken me off te crestor i was on because of the effect it was having on my memory. i am now trying fluvastain 20mg every other day to start with and still taking the co enzyme q10 100mg daily i still suffer from some muscle stiffness in a morning and some shoulder pain. exercising is painful still.
just a quick update for those that are interested .my lipidoligist as taken me off te crestor i was on because of the effect it was having on my memory. i am now trying fluvastain 20mg every other day to start with and still taking the co enzyme q10 100mg daily i still suffer from some muscle stiffness in a morning and some shoulder pain. exercising is painful still.

Thanks for the update, Jeff. Keep us posted...I am very much interested to know how your memory will improve.

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