Multicolored Asian Lady Beetles

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Is anyone else having a problem with these little buggers? I have millions of these things swarming around in the yard. They land on everything and I found out they have an effective little PINCH too! Just wondering if anyone else is having a problem with them?
Had an article in the paper today about the buggers. Check < > for way more than you want to know and why there are a bazillion this summer.
Not around here in NE Colo.

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
It sucks! You can't go out and enjoy your yard without them landing on you. I'm talking literally hundreds, if not thousands of them swarming by day and congregating around the doors and windows at night. Then there is always the elusive one the crawls up the back of a shirt and bites you on the neck. :mad:

Oh yes Ross. We have the pleasure. Our daughter was in her glory yesterday. She must have trapped a 1000. Maybe that will even out the population:D
Before we moved here in May we lived on a lake. I used to think ladybugs were so cute until they invaded us. And they were the domestic variety...not any of the Asian biting kind. I don't think we did anything but wait it out and then clean them up when they were dead.
I spent a couple of hours yesterday cleaning up my garden. And yet these foreign lady bugs do bite! The weather here was wonderful, so I shed my tank top, and the bugs attacked. I did what I could to even out the population, but didn't make much of a dent.
We actually have a double infestation of the foreign bugs and lightning bugs, along with the normal infestation of wasps.
Those little suckers hurt when the bite. I had one crawl up the back of my shirt, got to my neck and bit me. They aren't docile like the normal Lady Bug beetles. These have an attitude and a bad one at that.
Those beetles are everywhere here. The weather has been soo nice here. Tried to do some yardwork and the beetles seem to want to dive bomb you! You're right Ross. They do bite! I have a few that have made their way into my house. I kill them on the spot!

So everyone coming to the reunion, watch out! They said their real severe downtown, but so far I haven't been attacked while waiting for the bus!
Thanks again Ross! Now I really gotta get going. No I smash them in a paper towel! They go Squish! Not real easy though. They are tough little bugger! Catch ya all later!
Hey we have those bugs here in Indy, too.
Little B*******s!
One more good freeze and they will be gone, that's the upside. The downside is that they are ruining a perfectly lovely Indian Summer (or is that Indigenous Peoples' Summer).

I must have been dive-bombed about 50 times yesterday evening.
Some people from my office went to walk yesterday at lunch time and brought a few stow-aways back to the office!
Hey Ross,
The elusive ones that crawl up the back of your shirt and bite you on the neck are certainly no ladies! ( but who cares!..:p )
Les AVR '93 / '95


Here in Peru, Illinois they are on a rampage. Did read or hear somewhere that you should spray the outside of your house with the blue Dawn dishwashing lotion and that kills them. I have them in my upstairs so every night I have been swatting and vacuuming. Don't know how they get it. Corn is all down now so they are looking for human sacrifices. Nasty little things,
From what I'm reading about them, they should be history after the 15th. (Yeah right, like they have little calendars under their wings! :rolleyes: )


Supposed to have a cold front come throug here over the weekend and hopefully this will put them out of their misery and mine. They smell along with their pinching. Have a good reunion,
bugs, spiders and snakes! Oh My!

bugs, spiders and snakes! Oh My!

One of the grand things about Alaska, not a lot of bugs [but watch out for the mosquitos in the summer - they are huge], no snakes and no poisonous spiders! No huge flying cockroaches or asian biting lady bug beetles either! Too d**m cold up here.

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