Mri results with mild confusion , any one shed some light ??

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bit of a chicken

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2008
u k
I had an MRI well over a year ago , after the event I sent a letter to the Adult Congenital Heart Cardio that I see. The letter was lost and resurfaced after all this time. Basically I had some questions .. They requested I have Mri , have them every four to five years, see cardio annually and generally inbetween time do not think too much about it . It is only when confronted with medical appointments I give it thought .Anyway , to my question , which I could send to cardio but thought others on here may have an idea ?

Was born with Coarctation of Aorta that was surgically repaired age 6 , now 36 , have bav not requiring intervention at this stage , have slightly high bp as result of coa. My letter says they will repeat mri in few years . I asked about the blood vessel in the brain as they scanned my head and I wanted more info about all this but the response is vague "we routinely look at these because there is increased incidence of weakness developing in the blood vessels in the brain of patients with coarctation of the aorta. We are not quite sure wether this is due to high blood pressure or related to underlying abnormality which also causes the coarctation " Well, luckily for me my mri of brain was entirely normal . My question is , if it is entirely normal now does that mean this connection to blood vessel issue will in future not be a concern as all is normal now ? I am being a dunce , I am just not sure ??? Anyone who understands this and can explain it to me , I would be grateful , would very much like to think this is wholly reassuring and in future will not require further brain scanning ? Many thanks...
I think that would be next to impossible to answer. My suspicions say that it should always be looked for, especially as you age, because your vessels weaken as you get older. It may or may not happen, but only age will tell the tale I'm afraid.
You have congenital disorders that are strong markers for connective tissue disease. This means you have a higher than normal risk for aneurysms, in the brain and elsewhere. That's what the MRI is checking for. Your blood pressure, so long as it is reasonably within range (meaning it's usually in the pre-hypertension level or below), shouldn't affect it significantly. You might not want to have a job doing heavy lifting, though, as that puts stress on the arteries.

Many people who have this type of congenital circulatory problems live out their lives without ever having issues from it that require surgery (or further surgery, if some repair was initially done). It's good to check it now and then, so anything that might come up can be dealt with. So far, you seem to be untouched, and it's my hope that it may stay that way forever for you.

Best wishes,
Thanks Ross and Bob for the reply , I suppose my wonderings stem from the connective aspect .. I am thinking if all is good now surely it will remain that way ?? Anyway , Ross, I understand your observation about tissue possibly becoming weaker as we age. Feel very lucky to have two cardios that are obviously knowledgeable with the connective tissue aspect. Unfortunately I seem to suffer with a incomprehensive ability when confronted with the two of them and everything they tell me takes on a surreal quality , and I seem unable to even remember their explanation afterward ! Personally am comfortable with the fact that the coarc will require further intervention in future and that they have indicated the valve will need replacement ... The brain aspect is not something I even wish to consider ... Heart surgery , yep.. got through that before but messing with the head ..urgh !! Conclude that we just cannot worry about these things , could drive yourself mad , and what does that achieve ? ! That said , it is really good to have an understanding . As you said Bob , it may never come up, and many people never require intervention , and yes it is good to get it checked.... Thank you again for the info and that lovely comment at the end, Bob !! I selfishly hope it stays that way forever too !!
Excessive worry does not help. (I know as a sometimes excessive worrier.) On the other hand, ignoring the possibilities does not help either. I found talking it over with a professional and meditation and prayer has helped. Of course, bouncing ideas off people on this list can help a lot also! (I also have that connective tissue problem also, by the way.)
Thank you , Maryka ! I currently do not feel excessively worried about my health presently , am very fit , active and happy . I am currently going through a divorce, seeking part time employment and house hunting and have three children ... All this has happily helped keep me in perspective regarding my health !! I do appreciate what you are saying however. I personally just like to know I understand , I think this is the part I have had difficulty with !! Feel clearer now... Big thanks to everyone ....

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