Moving-I hate it...unless it's to California...LOL

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Scottish blood

Scottish blood

Nice to hear from you again Harry. Since you don't have a digital camera yet, you could scan a few pics and then send them on, if you have any you'd like to send, that is. Here goes a picture of the cat we used to have. Boris was a great cat, but we had to give him away because Bruna's highly allergic to flea bites. And guess who has the cat now?! That's it, Cesar the boozer. I was having problems finding an owner for him, but he said his dad loves cats and would love to keep him! We were lucky there! Anyway, the old guy who owned our old flat was terrible too. He would let some people get away with murder but then, that time when we had the problems with Milady and ended up leaving, he phoned on the next day saying that he'd had complaints about the dog and that my husband had been rude with the neighbours. Robert just cut him short and said we were leaving and that was the end of it. We lived in the place for four years and were never behind with the rent, but it seems that this thing about neighbours from hell getting more respect happens everywhere in the world which's a real shame! Here's Boris to say hello to your cat. By the way, is he castrated? Boris was and so is Milady.Here's also another photo of her as a puppy.
Hello From Hellhole NH!!! LOL

Hello From Hellhole NH!!! LOL

Hi Again Debora,
That is a really cute picture of both Boris (I LOVE THE NAME BORIS!!!) and Milady (Seems fitting for a fiesty little pup) Milady looks just soooo soooo portable....and Boris, he just looks like he is enjoying himself...Harrybaby :D :D :D
The famous neighbour!

The famous neighbour!

Hi there Harry, I've found a couple of pics of the famous neighbour, but I'll have to wait until Robert gets home to put them here! LOL!! What a guy!!Have you seen the latest photos I've added to my family photo album thread? Don't worry, Cesar will be here soon!!LOL!!!!!!
Hi Debora,

Hi Debora,

I will check those pics out tomorrow, to give your hubby a chance to post them for you...also, I put up a picture of me and my older brother when we were 2 1/2 and 1 1/2 respectfully. I posted it in the family pictures thread that you started. The pictures are blurry, but I couldn't help it as I don't have a scanner yet. Let me know what you think...My older brother, Stacey, is on the left, and I am the fat little porker on the right...LOL :D :D :D Harrybaby


Hi Harry,

Here are the photos I promised of my boozing ex-neighbour. The guy in blue, who is equally plastered, is my husband.
Hi Debora,

Hi Debora,

In the first pic: BUT YOUR HUBBY LOOKS SO INNOCENT!!!!! LOL and in the 2nd pic: I think you should have tossed in Milady to really stir things up...LOL (By biting the boozer...LOL) Harrybaby666 :D :D :D
What a cracker!!

What a cracker!!

Hi Harry, I'm happy you liked them!LOL!!!! I sure have another few crackers to post here! Unfortuanately, we didn't have any pets then, but I'm sure Milady would've done a great job! :D The problem is that she might have got drunk, have you seen the state the guy was in? Well, on that night Robert had had his fair share of the old scotch+ a few cans of beer. In the first photo we were celebrating one of the last World Cup games in a pub. I'm looking forward to seeing your Home Page once it's ready. Bye for now,

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