More pain 17 days post op

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Well-known member
May 24, 2005
Los Angeles Ca

I have been having a more difficult time lately especially nights. I can get 2 hrs of sleep at a time, then I wake up and have a hard time sitting up or moving around because I seem to be cramped up.

I am ok during the day but notice more sensitivity in between my shoulder blades when moving my arms upwards.

Does anyone have a routine that will alleviate some of the muscle discomfort? For me it has become worse over the last12-16 days than the first 5-8 at home?

Dick found it very difficult to sleep through the night until he was about in his 8th week post-op. We used Be-Guay and a lot massages plus Tylenol PM when I could get him to use it.
Only thing I ever found to help was to have someone massage me for about 30 minutes or so. Pain killers didn't do it, moving certainly didn't do it, but massage seemed to help.
coryp said:

I have been having a more difficult time lately especially nights. I can get 2 hrs of sleep at a time, then I wake up and have a hard time sitting up or moving around because I seem to be cramped up.

I am ok during the day but notice more sensitivity in between my shoulder blades when moving my arms upwards.

Does anyone have a routine that will alleviate some of the muscle discomfort? For me it has become worse over the last12-16 days than the first 5-8 at home?


You're doing too much Cory. I overindulged two days ago, and I had terrific pain in the shoulders and back yesterday. I took it really, really easy, and it's much better today.
I can't believe how little, too much, actually is! Geez! I didn't think I had done much at all, but I guess I had.
I'm able to sleep on my side now, so I'm sleeping 6-7 hours at a time. Are you able to sleep the way you did presurgery?
I used Extra Strength Tylenol PM when my Rx painkiller ran out. Still take it at night, to make sure I sleep ALL night long.
My back hurt like the dickens for about 3-3.5 weeks post-op. Couldn't even shrug my shoulders, it hurt so much. Then one morning I woke up and I felt sooooo much better -- not 100% better, but remarkably better. I still had some back pain for another 2 months, but it was much easier to take.
Perhaps you will experience this too. I hope so.
Mary said:
You're doing too much Cory. I overindulged two days ago, and I had terrific pain in the shoulders and back yesterday. I took it really, really easy, and it's much better today.
I can't believe how little, too much, actually is! Geez! I didn't think I had done much at all, but I guess I had.
I'm able to sleep on my side now, so I'm sleeping 6-7 hours at a time. Are you able to sleep the way you did presurgery?

NOt really, I used to sleep on my side and in some strange positions on my back. I really can't get to the exact positions prior but I can now sleep on my side, problem is I have to keep my arm under the pillow and it then freezes up an hour or so later so I wake.
shoulder pain

shoulder pain

I found that I was having shoulder pain and cramping because I would tend to hunch forward trying to alleviate discomfort (like you do when you're sick), and therefore not have good posture. Once I became aware of this, I keep trying to consciously hold my shoulders back and down, which opens up my chest more, which allows my lungs to expand better, which is probably much better for me anyway. And my shoulder pain has gone away! :D
I had something similar and would get these horrid cramps in my shoulders that would take my breath away. My doc told me this was from the fact that my chest had been opened and spread open for an extended period of time. He said the tendons and muscles in my should were stretched out and that with time it will ease up a bit. I had my wife massage my shoulders at times and it helped a bit.

- John
As everyone else said, I found that MASSAGE worked BETTER and FASTER than any pain medications at relieving muscle pain. Stretching helps in the long run but massage is the best for immediate relief.

If your insurance will cover Cardiac Rehabilitation I HIGHLY recommend it. My Rehab unit had several different types of exercise machines. I found the 'arm pedals' did a GREAT job of loosening up my tight shoulder / back / chest muscles.

'AL Capshaw'
i used one of these gel packs that you can warm in the micro/hot water for about 20 min prior to sleeping on my back - seems to have worked out fine!

ar bee
Hi Cory.
Tylenol PM or Benadryl will help you sleep. Did you get a list of exercises that you can do while recovering? There are a number of light stretches/calisthinics you can do to help strengthen the surgical area during recovery. Call your cardio./surgeon if you didn't get a list. Based on my experience, I bet that next week at this time your pain will subside a good deal. Give it some time.