Amazing strength at just 12 weeks post-op. keep it up
Please let me know via a PM if this annoys you guys and gals, and I will cut my workout updates out.
For my week 12 update we just finished an amazing day of SQUATS which culminated with 405lb x 2 and 325lb x 8 -
I am still not using the belt for 2 reasons: 1. is to keep the thoracic pressure lower, and 2. to avoid unneeded pressure on my sternum that belt will apply on my ribs which will transfer to my sternum
Either way, belt or no belt, we have lots of hard work ahead and I cannot wait to get stronger than ever.
Gym Guy,
Your posts are very interesting!
I am 4 months out post AVR and it's neat to see how others a re doing....I'm not in the gym yet. Just walking--no running yet.But doing 30 to 35 miles a week and loving it!