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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2009
My cousin has a Protein C&S Deficiency ( blood clot disorder) in which he has battled for many years. He has had several partial amputations of his legs. He learned yesterday that the last part of his remaining leg will have to be amputated. He was supposed to meet w/ the surgeon on Thursday but was rushed to the ER last night in alot of pain. The tests showed late last night that there is no blood flow at all to the remaining part of his leg. His system has been bypassed so many times there is nothing they can do for him anymore.

Our family has been through too much this year. I don't know how much more I can handle. I am trying to keep that posting from I posted the other day about "the embroidery" in my head but things are so rough right now.

Between my health, my fathers death in Jan., my MIL battling breast cancer, my sisters little preemie, my 6 yr old getting bullied at school, my cousin... what is next.

I'm sorry, I must sound like a weirdo but I just can't get anymore bad news about my family.
Oh my gosh, I wish I could offer you some type of salve to fix the hurt you must be feeling. Know in your heart that you and your family will be remembered each and every night in my prayers. I think of many of my VR friends often. My heart aches for you. God Bless You and your entire family.
Dear Laura, I don't know what to say. Sending a big hug, and lots of love. Your valve bro, Brian
I'm so sorry for all the pain & misfortune that you & your family are going thru at this time.

Sometimes I think that we get tested to see how much a person can endure & you wonder where the justice of it all is, but, hang in there my friend. There is light at the end of the tunnel & this too, you will overcome! :)
I am also sending along my prayers for you. Like I said in my PM to you earlier, you seem to be a strong person. Things such as what you are going through can realy test your strength, but you will get through it all. The sun is still shining, and you're alive.

And trust me, I've felt times as if the worst of it were heaped on my shoulders. The past three years have been rough. If you need someone to talk to, just send me a PM.

Debi (debster913)

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