More bad news!!!!!!

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Praline, I am so sorry your family is going through so much. I think you are absolutely right though about not leaving your husband even for a few days. Your mom will miss you at her side but she will know your heart is with you and how very torn you are. May God give you strength and grace to endure and go through this very hard time.
Oh, Praline, I am also so very sorry about your brother... Please take good care of yourself and your husband.. Rose
Praline. I am so sorry. I think your decision to stay with your husband is the right one. That doesnt' make it easy, though.

Wishing you peace and love through this long, extended sojourn.

I am very very sorry to hear of your loss. You have my deepest sympathy.
I agree wholeheartedly with your decision to stay at home with your dear husband. I wish the both of you all the best. I guess it is true that bad things happen to good people.You and your family are in my prayers.

Take Care!
My Love To You and Yours

My Love To You and Yours

Dear Praline, I can't find words for this. My heart is with you. Brian
so sorry to hear about your loss. I've been there and it's no fun. But the love you have for him, pass it along to others. That's the best advice I can give you. good luck and may positive vibes come your way.


Hi Praline,

I am very sorry for your loss. Dave and I will keep you and your family in our thought and prayers.
