Monday morning!

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Well-known member
May 23, 2006
calabasas, ca
I'll be going in for AVR and AAR at UCLA. Thanks for all of the encouragement! I really, really appreciate it! :D
Post back as soon as you can. The in the hospital record with a laptop btw was something like 8 hours after waking from surgery. (and I wish I remember who it was - perhaps he'll check in.)
Anyway - we all expect a boring procedure and recovery - so don't let us down.
I moved you to Monday on the Calendar yesterday. I think perhaps the stars are properly aligned this time and that there are enough pygmies in the rain forest for this one to be a go. :)
Good luck Monday. Hugs & prayers are coming your way. Be sure and have someone post for you. We'll see you on the other side of this great mountain.:) :)
You will be in my thoughts and prayers for a very successful surgery.
Glad you will soon be on this side of the mountain. I will pray all goes well and we are "talking" to you very soon.
Praying for you Monday

Praying for you Monday

Well it sounds like you are doing Monday what I will be doing either later in July or early Aug. So hopefully we can compare stories.

My daughter has Spina Bifida and has had 21 surgeries, most of them neuro. She has the greatest attitude and has shared some of her tricks of the trade with me. She said that the hardest part is the pre-op. In the post-op you are so heavily drugged it doesn't matter. In pre-op she said it is cold and she always asks for a heated blanket. She also said that she lays with her hand open and held out. She says that then she imagines that Jesus or an angel is holding her hand. Now that sounds corny to some of us, but to my young lady it has kept her calm and has helped her through the anxiety of waiting for the anesthesia. I plan to do that.

Music calms me. I hope to carry an ipod into pre-op. They might not let you but I want to ask. Oh well sorry for rambling on, but I will be praying for you and look forward to hearing how it has gone.
You are in my thoughts and prayers, and will be especially tomorrow.

Looking forward to hearing how everything went...
It's good to see your waiting is about to end, and a new chapter in your life begin. :) :)
You're in my prayers, and I'll be waiting to hear how you made the trek up the mountain (ignore any pygmies Ross has sent your way)!
We're thinking about you

We're thinking about you

As a wise person on this site once said to me..."just get yourself there and the professionals will handle the rest".

Looking forward to your next post,

Hey Ozmercy....don't know where you are having your surgery but when I had mine done at Cleveland they actually encouraged me to bring a cd player/ipod and gave me a relaxation tape to play before, during, after surgery. Warning.....After listening to about 10 minutes of the relaxation tape I found myself in tears and practically in a fetal position!!!! It was way too dramatic for me, but afterwards managed to laugh myself silly over it. Left my cd player in my hotel room...probably on purpose!!! I do think Prince would have been an ideal cd...would have kept my heart pumping even on the heart/lung bypass machine!!! ;) :D
Ozmercy said:
Well it sounds like you are doing Monday what I will be doing either later in July or early Aug. So hopefully we can compare stories.

My daughter has Spina Bifida and has had 21 surgeries, most of them neuro. She has the greatest attitude and has shared some of her tricks of the trade with me. She said that the hardest part is the pre-op. In the post-op you are so heavily drugged it doesn't matter. In pre-op she said it is cold and she always asks for a heated blanket. She also said that she lays with her hand open and held out. She says that then she imagines that Jesus or an angel is holding her hand. Now that sounds corny to some of us, but to my young lady it has kept her calm and has helped her through the anxiety of waiting for the anesthesia. I plan to do that.

Music calms me. I hope to carry an ipod into pre-op. They might not let you but I want to ask. Oh well sorry for rambling on, but I will be praying for you and look forward to hearing how it has gone.
Hi TEMP!!!

Hi TEMP!!!

Oh my got me beat!! I know you will do just fine. My boyfriend knows!.a couple of people from your town!:) Take care and I will be thinking about you. Lisa sorry i haven't written,,,,best of luck

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