Mitral Valve Repair

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Yesterday, during intercourse, I noticed a scratchy sound coming from my chest as my heart rate increased. It was loud enough that my wife also noticed it. However, the sound subsided on its own within a minute or two as my heart rate returned to normal.

There was no pain or discomfort—just the sound. I’m concerned it might be related to a punctured pericardium sac or something else. What could be the cause?
If you are concerned about afib and don’t want to consult a doctor yet, you might consider buying a Kardia - if you think you might be having an episode you can do a quick check. I got one to double check my perceptions after I was diagnosed with afib. Mine cost about $100 and eas available online. There are some Kadia that detect more arrhythmias than afib but more expensive and require a monthly fee. My cardiologist says they are pretty accurate for what they do.