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Melissa -

Melissa -

Thank you so much. It makes total sense what you are saying. I do believe that a cardiologist should know more about valve patients than a surgeon - in the long run. Your explanation of the repair process makes complete sense! It would have to be stenotic a bit with the ring.

I will be talking with Dr. Chapel and getting the second reading of the echo by my former cardio, Dr. Larson, hopefully sometime in the next few weeks.

P.S. See my new thread on heart disease and sadness. I thought it was very interesting in regards to this recent echo of mine. Adrienne - thanks for the advice - you are so right about me getting my mind on something else.

Christina L
my husband had his mitral valve repaired May 8 / 2006 - Head of Cardiac Surgery in Montreal.

Last winter at a routine check-up a murmor was heard. Echo showed a ruptured chordae (posterior leaflet) and 4+ regurg. He had no symptoms. Since he had a check-up the year before we knew the leak wasn't there for that long. He had an appt. with the surgeon within two weeks and surgery within two months. LV and EF was normal pre-surgery.

He had a valve prolapse - it was very floppy and the chordae became strechted over time till if tore (propably a fall from the roof damaged/stretched the chordae, we think, or attributed to it). He had a textbook surgery. Triangle was cut out, then sutured together and annoluplasty ring was placed. The vavle was also reduced in size a bit.

Post surgergy (immediately after) you couldn't hear a murmor at all (everybody could hear the valve gushing before) but there was a trace leak on the echo and slight increase in LV. However the surgeon and other cards were more than pleased with the fit.

My husband was off all meds within two weeks post surgery - (he had post op A-Fib for a little while which was resolved) Coumadin for 3 months.
5 months post op normal heart function. Cardiologoist was very pleased and said you can't even call it trace leak. No murmor can be heard.

My husband is 63 and you'd never guess (lucky genes:D ) - he is maintaining a healthy diet, takes supplements, exercises daily and has a postivie attidude. We were very fortunate to have had a great cardiologist and a gifted surgeon! My husband's scar is almost faded and he is getting on with his life like the surgeon and card told him to - He doesn't want to talk about it, I am much more worried about his valve rolleyes:

He is cleared by the card for a year (till Sept) and he will have his one year appt. with surgeon in May (and echo). I will post results and hope it will be good.

I wish for everyone a lasting repair! My husband was told it should last. Let's keep the fingers crossed.:)
Pegasus, I thought I was the only member from Montreal! What hospital did your husband have his surgery at? That's amazing that he got an appointment with the surgeon in two weeks!! You know what our health system is like.:rolleyes: I also take supplements and exercise. Too bad your husband doesn't like to talk about it. I think I talk about it too much!
Hi Adrienne,
small world, huh:)
My husband had his surgery at the Royal Vic. and surgeon was Dr. Benoit E. de Varennes. He is an excellent surgeon - he has done lots of mitral valve repairs. We truststed him immedialtely and as a plus he has the nicest manners.
Surgeon and cardiologist both speak highly of each other - so maybe that had some weight in the quick appointment or the fact that the murmor was very loud and a ruptured chordae - everything fell in place quickly. We had more than one lucky star, I am sure!!!
At least my husband and I didn't have much time to dwell on it - we just tried to prepare for his surgery with exercise, yoga, healthy diet and supplements - we did whatever made us feel somewhat in control.
The most important thing in his quick recovery was the timing of his surgery - before any damage occured. The cardiologist wanted surgery right away and as much shock as it was, we are now very, very grateful for it!

It's not that my husband doesn't want to talk about it - he just doesn't want to be reminded for a little while. I don't think you can talk too much about it - you do whatever it takes to deal with it.
If you like, you can pm me - maybe my husband exercises at the same gym as you:)


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