Met the surgeon on the 21st of Feb. Very likeable and appeared to be quite knowledgeable in his field. Couldn't tell me exactly how many AVR's he has done but somewhere between 4-500, however not in one year. He told me not to go past 6 weeks for surgery, recommended a CT on the aorta to rule out bulging or thin walls and stated that I needed to have any dental work done prior to surgery. I told him that I knew of 2 small cavities that were going to be fixed on Mar. 3rd only to find out today that there is actually 5 and 3 are in the wisdom teeth and the dentist is recommending that they be pulled. Also my boss would like a letter from the surgeon stating the urgency of the surgery and asked if I could put it off until into May as I have a contract to fulfill with the school system. Am going to contact the Dr. on the 24th to get his input and go off his recommendations. Tentatively I had planned to do the surgery on the 8th of March and go from there. Now however I am at a standstill until further notice. This Dr. seems to be quite competant and has a very good track record among his peers. Any suggestions on this dilemma would be grateful. Will keep you posted.