Without opening a pandora's box or can of worms or bag of cats or whatever....
One is not REQUIRED to love the President of the United States. No one will go to federal prison or be strung out on a rail or tarred and feathered for holding malice or ill will towards W (unless you choose to act on your feelings of course, but that's another matter.)
However, the OFFICE of the President of the United States is something that demands respect. If you don't like the man, at LEAST honor the Office. Bushy was performing a duty that all Presidents have honored for generations now, speaking to the American public on one of it's honored and "sacred" holidays.
I'm not a fan of Bush. I think Gore as president would have been an utter catastrophy, he's a dullard and his wife is anti-arts, anti-free speech.
The photo was not political, it was OUR president speaking on a national holiday in front of a national memorial honoring war dead on a day set aside to honor our military service men and women.
I doubt the photo was posted as a political statement. If you view ANY such photo of the sitting president as a political statement, that' is a bit unfortunate, however, you are as entitled to your opinions as I and everyone else here is entitled to theirs/mine.
~putting the soap box away for yet another day~
One is not REQUIRED to love the President of the United States. No one will go to federal prison or be strung out on a rail or tarred and feathered for holding malice or ill will towards W (unless you choose to act on your feelings of course, but that's another matter.)
However, the OFFICE of the President of the United States is something that demands respect. If you don't like the man, at LEAST honor the Office. Bushy was performing a duty that all Presidents have honored for generations now, speaking to the American public on one of it's honored and "sacred" holidays.
I'm not a fan of Bush. I think Gore as president would have been an utter catastrophy, he's a dullard and his wife is anti-arts, anti-free speech.
The photo was not political, it was OUR president speaking on a national holiday in front of a national memorial honoring war dead on a day set aside to honor our military service men and women.
I doubt the photo was posted as a political statement. If you view ANY such photo of the sitting president as a political statement, that' is a bit unfortunate, however, you are as entitled to your opinions as I and everyone else here is entitled to theirs/mine.
~putting the soap box away for yet another day~