Professional Dingbat, Guru and Merkintologist
So lets look at an interesting (and a bit complex) graph.Unsure how long succinate stays in your system, I thought I saw something about 24 hours but will see.

We see here presented in time with each other
- the nanoMoles per Liter (upper half)
- the suppression of the HR that occurs over time
The (presumably measured from blood serum) nM/L of blood serum does not seem to follow what is suggested in the various references for half life for Metoprolol that it is between 3 and 7 hours. Now lets just leave that alone for a sec and keep driving through the main points.
pay close attention to the graphs and the table of meaning:

- that 100mg tartrate is administered once a day, and
- the 50mg tartrate is administered twice.
- the succinate once
With the tartrate form we see that the results are a much shorter lag between taking and a significant influence on both heart rate reduction and blood plasma.
If you are just post surgery and lying in bed with a racing heart rate (recently discussed and asked here by @Nesphito for instance) you may totally want that and benefit from that.
But what if you're a walking and functioning back in normal life person? Do you want / need / benefit from that durable and lengthy suppression of your HR? Conversations I've had with members here (waves at @christopherj ) would suggest that such a thing just gets in the way.
I've mentioned here many times that I prefer the way that the tartrate (tartaric acid) and I'm not entirely sure I want to have additional succinate in my diet regularly (because that is not without consequences). The way I personally look at it is that I don't have a need for a drug which constrains my heart 24/7. In my case (and perhaps others) we desire "training wheels" on your heart to steer it (and we don't encourage kids to ride along leaning on the training wheels, but to learn to ride on the main wheel).
What if (as a walking functioning re-entered normal life) we have situations where spikes of something (say adrenaline or exersize) trigger something (perhaps even commonly) and we just want something to reach out and quell the bell that's been struck so that ringing can be brought under control?
I believe that this is my usage case with tachycardia and It is in that instance that I'm very glad I'm on Tartrate not succinate.
I take 25mg twice daily (~12 hourly) and at first I found I totally needed that. Now a few years after the acute onset of tachycardia (which btw was not 100% every minute but would be triggered by things like heat / exersize / stress) I find that sometimes I totally forget my morning dose (no alarm for that one) and while a year ago it would be clear to me by 9am I'd forgotten my dose (whereupon I took it) now I've found that I've gone the whole day until evening when I see "oh, look I didn't take it" (and haven't needed it).
On Succinate you'd never know that you were getting better.
Sometimes one needs to be on a drug permanently (warfarin comes to mind) but other times the drug is like a "plaster cast" that's there for a reason for a period.