I went though the same problems and know how you feel

At the time my valve was replaced they did not know of the connection with the aneurism. It was not checked. I still have the aneurism and when it was found, my cardiologist told me I had 2-5 years to live PERIOD. Even when I ask about some form of operation to fix it he told me NO THERE IS NOTHING THAT CAN BE DONE and he retired the next week. He told me I was to old for another open heart operation. Two years before that there was a paper about 1000 over 80 patients that under went open heart and only 2 died (0.2 %). Plus there were new ways that did not need open heart. I have come to the conclusion that at 70 or above they look at it as a resource allocation problem.
The point is DONT EVER trust any ONE source about a life and death problem. at this point in my life its all up to the man upstairs
Let me pose a question, when someone tells you something that is NOT TRUE is it a LIE even if they were told it by someone else ?
BEST of luck