Well-known member
Scary numbers here. I have to admit I have no idea as to the cost of OHS. I stupidly assumed 25K give or take, clearly I'm way off the mark. Thankfully I paid zero.
One would think that a school district would have a better insurance plan, but mine doesn't. Since escalating insurance costs are a constant problem, my district opted to purchase a lousy plan because the superintendent figured if our insurance was lousy fewer employees would use it; fewer claims would result in lower cost to the district.
Initially, our insurance company refused to pay for anything related to my AVR surgery because it deemed the surgery as elective. The fact that my worn out valve was still working and my 5.8 cm aortic aneurysm hadn't blown made my surgery elective. Staff from my surgeon's office had to engage in considerable effort to get me coverage.
It's a sad statement, but we actually seriously discussed taking our chances with not having my valve or aneurysm fixed because we couldn't afford it.
Disagree if you like; Obamacare...I'd take it.
This post has made me a bit nervous. I work for a large company with excellent benefits, but I am wondering if I am missing something. My cardiologist has done numerous tests, to the tune of about $5k. I have paid $20. Then I got an itemized statement from Johns Hopkins for approx. $35,000 , of which I paid $100. Is there something I am not getting ?????
What I find bizarre about health care in America is how the "list price" for procedures will be well into the six figures and then the insurance company's discounted price will be, say, 30% of list. So the poor folks with no coverage pay list price...
And now for my last last question
What does Obamacare mean
Just joking I am being the devil's advocate
ART is not my real name my initials are
M.M. My next thread will be PC I hope !...e. You know I really do enjoy a spicy curry.