Medco Health-Yikes, yikes and double yikes!!

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
Ach! I can't tell you how frustrated I am, Joe also.

We have Medco Health for our long term prescriptions. In the past several months, the service has become so absolutely terrible that it's hard to imagine how it could get any worse.

A couple of months ago, they lost my husband's prescription for K-Dur. We mail them in and the turn around time for mail-ins is something like 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, I called to find out that they had no record of the prescription??? So Joe had to call the doctor and get another prescription which we sent in. After a few days he called to try to find out when it was going to ship. Medco changed it to a generic Potassium Chloride. So because it was now under the generic name, they couldn't find the prescription, and had no shipping information. The next day Joe called again, and they found the prescription, but it was now "new" and would take the usual 2 weeks. He had to get another prescription to tide him over.

This past two week's fiasco involves Coumadin. Joe got a new prescription from his doctor and sent it in to be filled and mailed in an expedited way, paying extra for shipment. A week later, it was "kicked" back for some minor wording error. So Joe called and got another prescription written according to the way the Medco pharmacist directed, which was essentially what was said in the original prescription, mailed that in. He called on Monday to check on the shipment, and a real dolt answered and said she couldn't find the prescription. Later in the day, he called again, hoping to find someone who knew something, and got a fellow who said that he found the prescription and that it was shipping out that day and would arrive yesterday or today. Today's mail came and went. No prescription.

Now Joe is starting to run out of Coumadin. So we called and got another person who told us that they saw the prescription, but that it hadn't shipped yet and wouldn't until possibly Friday.

So we called the liaison representative from the company who supplies this benefit. She was wonderful and set up a three-way conversation. Even with her services, it took 45 minutes of negotiations to finally get Medco to agree to cover a 7 day's supply of Coumadin (at their expense) for Joe so he wouldn't run out.

Now we have to call the doctor to write yet another prescription so the local pharmacist can fill the 7 day supply.

The frustration that develops with something like this is very difficult to handle.

I will be writing a complaint letter to the large corporation who provides this benefit. They do not take kindly to their resources providing shoddy services. Plus the company representative stayed on the phone throughout this very long winded and obtuse conversation with the Medco representative.

In the back of my mind, why do I have the nagging feeling that this is all deliberate in an effort to force most people to give up and get a prescription filled at the local pharmacy, thereby saving Medco the cost of one month's worth of a prescription?

All told, this last fiasco has taken about 6 hours of time to try to resolve.
I'm telling you........Print up some billing invoices, charge lets say oh $65 an hour, and mail them to these companies. It's happening everywhere with everything. I'm as fed up as you are and think we should be compensated for their ways and waste of our time. ;)
I think you're right Hensylee. But this Irish gal is gonna do some pulling of her own, and it won't be the wool!:D
Good Luck!!!

Good Luck!!!

I hope you get your fiasco settled soon and after you kick some ...
How about I hire you to get after my insurance co. to get their act together. :D :D :D

I am "SUPPOSE" to have a $1000. max pay out and I am getting billed over $2000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say I am getting frustrated with that!!

Take care,

Sorry to hear you are having such trouble. I like Ross' idea of billing the company for our time. . . :D

Hope you are able to let out a little Irish steam and teach them how to behave in the process. :cool:

We also use Medco Health. It is the company GM uses.
I also have had problems with them over the years.
The scrips MUST have DAW written on them or they will send the generic drug.
In our case they are insructed by GM to send the generic whenever they can get away with it.
In the case of Coumadin I will always stay with the real thing.
We have access to their web-site, do you also?
There we can track our orders and even place orders.
The also have a way for the doctor to fax a scrip to them.
We still do the mail order thing like you guys do.
It can be very frustrating dealing with this company.
Hi Rich-

I do try to use the website whenever possible. But when you have a problem, the website is useless. Plus it is not up to date much of the time.

These problems seem to have happened right after they raised the copays just a while ago.

They have not always been this bad. Actually it used to be easy to deal with them, but they now have a new crop of telephone personnel who are uninformed (to be kind), and now are not even telling the truth.

I may not win, but I'm definitely going to get a few rounds in.
Hi Nancy,

I really like Ross's idea of billing the company! I think these companies forget that the people they give sloppy service are the people who pay their bills. We had an attorney here in town that sent one of the doctors a $1900.00 bill after he sat in the doctor's office for almost 4 hours one day. I love that idea.

You are so right on.
When they raised our co-pay did they aslo get rid of their qualified help?
I did have to call one day recently and it wasn't very good.
Again just to be kind I couldn't really understand the person I was speaking to.
Go ahead and get after them, maybe it will do us all some good, at least those of us who deal with this company.
These are also the same people who insist the generic for Coumadin is just fine.
They will never convince me of that.
I am definitely going to point out the amount of time Medco wasted on the Coumadin thing. There were 6 of their people involved, an hour for the liaison person, our own time which was at least 6 hours, and the doctor's time for writing the same prescription over and over and over again . It must drive the doctors crazy with all the insurance companies they have to deal with.

It would have been far less expensive for all involved to get it right the first time. Prescription in, prescription out, simple as that. What really is the big deal?

Inefficiency is one of the big reasons the medical field is in such trouble. And stupidity is behind the inefficiency.
Hi Rich-

We have also had problems understanding the telephone people sometimes.

Companies will continue to do shoddy things unless they get "called" on the problems. Most of it is sheer laziness. And they charge the large corporations a fortune for the services they provide.

Joe used to be a Purchasing Manager and he wouldn't have put up with this for one minute. Either he or one of his personnel would have taken an unannounced trip to the facility to have a "look see" and a possible audit.
We have used Medco for about 3 years now and have not had any issues. We mail in the px's and charge the meds to a credit card. I think K writes a cover letter with each PX detailing the PX and any specific instructions.


Sure hope Medco had an 800 free number..Hate to know you will get that telephone bill.:eek: :eek: I tried to order my son a washer/dryer over telephone this morning. Had my credit card, addresses, ect. ready. Took 4 phone calls to Home Depot to do it..when they say..I'll call you right back.:mad: :mad: :mad: And I sat here for 3 hours getting this simple thing done. At my older age..I think now, that people who work in offices..Doctors or dentist or whatever...that we have nothing else to do..but wait for their returned phone calls....I think I must have the most wonderful Clinical nurse at Card's office...When I call in my this morning..and leave it on her voice machine...She has never failed to return my call in less than 30 minutes. Mine was 3.4 this morning and told her..I get to enjoy cabbage tonight with my cornedbeef. She said, You enjoy..:D :D :D :D Bonnie
Hi Nancy - Begosh and Begora big redhead ! I hope you couple your Irish temper and able wit, and smite those devil dogs with all your might. A few encounters with the likes of you and those buggers will tow the line for sure.

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