Perspective is everything , my wish ?, i wish i was born with a perfect heart with no bicuspid valve, did not happen so, at 63 defective valve gave up and i would faint to the floor at any given moment from july/2015 to november/2015 while waiting for ohs, walking more than 50 meters was a no no, then i had to make a choice, tissue/mech; read posts in this forum and talked to my 2 sisters ( doctors ) and everybody told me go mech; i was concerned about the tick noise, about the rat poison with many years of documented background; but, no, i did not want to take the pill every day and worry about something called inr, then reality hit me; i had a bad heart, i had to go to surgery, "first ever visit to a hospital at 63", and during 4 months this was my only thought, pig/metal ..., then i started to think about the future past the ohs; and started to pay attention at how many seniors i knew that had strokes, placed on warfarin after the fact , so, i saw it was very likely that regardless of pig/metal i would have to end up taking some sort of anticoag thing, warfarin is everywhere and cheap, the others ...

are very expensive and also are NOT free of "consequences"; At least 4 relatives of mine, in a very huge family of seniors and doctors got that problem, the warfarin came too late, meaning post stroke; I know the stories about hospitals not from watching TV shows, but from Medicine students and doctors, there is a lot going on inside those places we don't hear about, so the less you visit them the better for you, so, yeah, i wish i was born with a perfect heart since i do not eat Trans Fats so do not have heart decease, but no, i was not going to go plan for a second op at my 77 years of age, as told by my surgeon, and no, i will not sit an wait for the stroke to start taking Warfarin. This is MY experience, my thoughts, there is no right or wrong, just "My"