My big dream was to have a tissue valve,
But seeing how my recovery was so awful, I'm glad that I went mech.
But seeing how my recovery was so awful, I'm glad that I went mech.
Is the sound of a mechanical valve something you hear from 'outside' like a ticking clock, or something you feel from inside, like a pulse. I cannot sleep if there is the slightest sound & have used earplugs every night for many years - so would earplugs
work to mask the sound?
At 57 my preference would be mechanical (2 family members have had warfarin without problems) but the sound could be a decider - I would not expect to be able to choose
a valve manufacturer.
I am 12 weeks post-op......
.....I think we can get use to anything, given enough time. .
Well, thanks everyone. The decision is made, it will be a Carbomedics (Sorin) mechanical. I get 'whats on the shelf' and thats fine with me. The surgeon had a look at 'FRED' - a large benign lump on my arm (which I refused to have removed) and said - "I can see you dont like operations" and advised a tissue would last about ten years so the decision was made. Potential noise was not mentioned, but I am sure I will get used to it. My local GP surgery runs an INR clinic with an immediate result, so management will not be an issue. No date yet though June seems possible.
Some people report that others hear their mech valve, so that's obviously through the air. I'm sure there's some bone-conduction hearing going on, too.
I was very aware of the 'racket' my valves made when I first had them implanted 36 years ago. For a while I thought I'd never get used to the ticking but as the months turned into years, and the years turned into decades, the sound of my valves became a soothing comfort and I embraced them like a beloved friend. I focused instead on staying alive and thanking God each day for allowing me to stay on this earth just a while longer.
I hope that you too will find the sound of your new valve soothing and comforting!![]()