Professional Dingbat, Guru and Merkintologist
Yes, I agree. I think that (although they phrased it differently) that was part of the point in the study posted by OldManEmu. Those who had poorest quality of life focused on the sounds more. Perhaps because they had nothing better to do?
For those of us lucky enough to be active it is not a significant problem.
question is how soon will you be able to adjust to not hearing it. You can hear your wall clock ticking if you focus on it but at some point you learned to ignore the noise and focus on other things.
Yes, I agree. I think that (although they phrased it differently) that was part of the point in the study posted by OldManEmu. Those who had poorest quality of life focused on the sounds more. Perhaps because they had nothing better to do?
For those of us lucky enough to be active it is not a significant problem.