Cindy said:
Good Morning, I have some questions about recovery. Our doctor said about a week in the hospital. Total recovery about 3 mos. Cindy
Well i'm a 37 yr old male and i'm, 15 days post op for a 'bentals' which is a single part mechanical aortic valve and ascending aorta, this was done under deep freeze.
I had 7 days in hospital and 7 days around my mums place

and now i've been back home for two days. I'm fairly fit but not athletic in any shape or form.
Here in Australia there aren't many two storey houses but i walked down then up two flights of stairs on day 6 before they would discharge me. i don't think your kids will have many issues using the stairs as long as they are not up and down them all sleeping upstairs and then spending the day downstairs.
I felt crappy for 3 days then everything has been on the up and up, each day i felt twice as good as the previous day...the hardest thing is keeping a lid on tend to feel great and then do too much but don't realise it....i again did a little too much today and feel tired, sounds like your kids will have issues keeping a lid on things also.
I'm totally gobsmacked at the decisions you have ahead, i only had myself to consider and both my kids were cleared at birth of any heart defects as i was paranoid they may have something. My patched up heart goes out to you and your kids.
Coudamin so far for me has not been an issue but then i've had 20+ years of alcohol over use

and gotten it out of my system...the boys may feel differently about this but i'm not sure how much they could over induldge post surgery anyway?
For my .2c i never want to go throught this surgery again (even though it wasn't that bad really) and so chose the option that gave me the greatest chance of doing so by removing everything that was faulty....of course something else could go wrong but you can only try your best.
Best of luck with your decisions.