After following this post since it started, I thought I might provide additional information.
I know the original question was about the sound a mechanical valve makes and the writer's sensitivity to a clicking valve. I wanted to point out that one should not assume that tissue valves are silent and not noticeable. Admittedly, I have only been living with my St. Jude Trifecta valve for five weeks but from the first day, I can feel (and hear the thump, thump) of the valve open and close in my chest, bones and head. It was loudest the first few days after surgery and I suspect it will fade over time, but, I wanted to make sure people know that tissue valves can also come with their own annoyances.
Given I said that, lately if I don't feel, or hear, it I get concerned about my heart is working OK and reach to feel my pulse to make sure it is still working properly.
The bottom line is if you are very sensitive to sounds or the feeling of the thump, thump of your valve, avoiding a mechanical valve to avoid the issue may not actually result in avoiding the issue. I suggest one find ways to deal with whatever thump, thump, or tick, tick we have after surgery, for it is much better than the alternative.
I'll take thump, thump or tick, tick over the silence of death any day.