You guys got milk without having to milk the cow first?!
You guys got milk without having to milk the cow first?!
It all applies to my childhood except for the newspaper. My brothers delivered the milk to the front porch..... but then my sister and I still had to strain it into jars.
Those ?partyline? phones were a real hoot! Boy did the gossip fly in those days....
...and when you received a call you had to listen closely or you?d answer a call meant for your neighbor!
Nancy, you?ll never believe what happened the other day. Sara came home from a birthday party with some of those little bottles filled with liquid...... I couldn?t believe it! I hadn?t seen those in years.
Hey Bonnie, we had that same kind of washing machine. I was putting clothes through it one time and tried to put too many through at once........ it swung around and hit me!! OUCHIE!! I still have my Grandpa?s radio with the tubes... and it still works! For fun we did stuff like sliding down the hills on car hoods in the winter, ice skating parties on the ponds, etc. In the summer we were riding inner tubes down the canal, having bon fires, camping out, hay rides, etc. I'll never forget when we took a hay ride up town to the drive-in movie.
You guys got milk without having to milk the cow first?!
It all applies to my childhood except for the newspaper. My brothers delivered the milk to the front porch..... but then my sister and I still had to strain it into jars.
Nancy, you?ll never believe what happened the other day. Sara came home from a birthday party with some of those little bottles filled with liquid...... I couldn?t believe it! I hadn?t seen those in years.
Hey Bonnie, we had that same kind of washing machine. I was putting clothes through it one time and tried to put too many through at once........ it swung around and hit me!! OUCHIE!! I still have my Grandpa?s radio with the tubes... and it still works! For fun we did stuff like sliding down the hills on car hoods in the winter, ice skating parties on the ponds, etc. In the summer we were riding inner tubes down the canal, having bon fires, camping out, hay rides, etc. I'll never forget when we took a hay ride up town to the drive-in movie.