May be going back to work

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2004
Joplin, Missouri
I can't believe it but here I am going to be 66 in June and I may be returning to work full-time. As everyone knows I volunteer in ICU on Wednesday's or whenever they need me. Well the director of Ortho is opening a new position for a unit secretary on his floor and he asked me to come in for an interview. I went and talked to him on Monday. As of today it sounds like I might have the job. He acutally wants someone older and more dependable. It's everyday from 2:30 pm to 11;30 pm which is great for me because I'm a night person. I'm one of these people that could stay up all night. And because of the weird hours the pay is great! I know more and more older retired people are returning to work and it looks like I'm going to be one of them. This really comes at a good time because I have never felt better in my life. My leukemia is in complete remission, my AVR is doing great, my diabetes in completely under control and I've lost over 50lbs and only have 40more to go. On top of that with the economy being so bad the business is really slow. We sold our business (heating/air conditioning) to our son two months ago. It couldn't be a worse time to take over a business. My husband still works there trying to help our son out but I don't know how long that is going to last so the extra income will sure help. I'll let everyone know what I decide to do. It's a big step.
That's wonderful Glenda - fingers crossed that you get the final confirmation asap.
You'll be awesome in a job like that, with your nice, kind and caring nature.

Good luck! Let us know how you get on

AWESOME! They are fortunate to be able to employ you, Glenda! I hope it works out just the way you want it to.:)
I'm certainly happy for you and really do hope it turns out to be true. I'm so tired of bad news that it's almost a chore just to turn the computer on and I actually try to avoid the news stands and broadcasts.
Glenda that sounds like great news. Our pharmacist at K-Mart is almost 70 and he loves his job. He has been our pharmacist as long as I can remember. I asked him one day when he was going to retire and he said not until they made him. He loves his job. I envy him so much. I have been at the same job 24 years and I have hated the last 10 so much. But, I have to stay because the retirement is so good. But, management sucks. Good luck in whatever you decide.
That is great news!. I hope that you get the position cause just because the calendar says you are 66 it doesn't mean a darn thing. A friend of the family is 73 and still building race care engines. I asked him a few years ago when he was going to retire and he said NEVER! I'm having way too much fun. So go for it. Keep us posted.:)
wow, how exciting. we've been friends with you for such a long time, seen you go through so much and by golly, here is a brand new person. I am so happy to see you so happy and well(er). It must be a thrilll, too, to know how wanted you are at the hospital. Congratulations. and, of course, blessins.........

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