Massachusetts General Hopsital Surgeons.......

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2005
I have another thread going where many have very kindly given me some excellent responses.

It was suggested in that thread that I start a new one to ask:

Has anyone had their surgery had Massachusetts General?
Who was your surgeon?
I specifically am seeking the best surgeon for mitral valve repair/replacement as a Second Open Heart Surgery. I had Bypass about 2 1/2 years ago and now face the possilibility/probability of mitral valve surgery.

Thank you if you can help.
Look up Gisele in the members list and send her a PM and ask her. I do not remember where she went, but she is from that area and should be able to give you some guidance of some sort.
Mass General is a great hospital. It's affiliated with Harvard Medical school so docs will be learning new stuff all the time. I think it's a great place to go for things. I used to go in the early stages with my pacer, but they recommended me to Children's as my condition is congenital and Children's is doing studies on Tretology of Fallot as it progresses thru adult life, so they can figure out what people will need or go thru at certain stages.

Is your condition congenital? If so, you should look into Children's Hospital. The cardio team there is top of the line ( my opinion hehe) ! In Boston, the hospitals are so close together that I think many confere with docs from other hospitals. You can maybe check in and see what they say and ask them about docs at MG.

You can also get a list of docs online from MG website and do research on the docs, ie, see how many MVR's he/she did gor example.
Not sure who is best for mitral repair but two excellent cardiac surgeons at mgh are Alan Hilgenberg and Tom Macgivallry they are referred by many cardiologists.

mgh is one of the best in country.

i dont know much about jennfier walker as a surgeon but know she was on call when i was having a complication and was very responsive and helpful
You have all helped me so much.

I didn't make it clear my bypass surgery was performed at Massachusetts General and the results were excellent. The bypasses are still clear and performing as intended. I arrived there by ambulance after being treated in another ER for heart attack.)

That is why I say I know I will return to Mass General when/if mitral valve surgery becomes required. It appears I am headed in that direction.

Knowing I will be choosing from the surgeons at Massachusetts General, I was thrilled to see Dr. Alan Hilgenburg's named mentioned above. He did my bypasses and I am grateful for the excellent care he gave me. It is him that I intend to approach but wanted to learn first if he does many mitral valve repairs/replacements. I know he does many second (and third) OHS. Is he the BEST choice for mitral valve surgery at Mass General? Were I facing more bypass surgery, no question I'd go to him. But this is valvular.

My mitral valve problems are not congenital but are the result of heart enlargement/reshaping despite the best efforts of my cardiologist's medical treatment. (I eat a very healthy diet, do not smoke, exercise (walk) almost everyday and am diligent about my meds.) A recent echo and nuclear stress indicate a worsening and I am having symptoms. I have not yet had a cath. I see my cardio again in a month.

I saw him last week and it was the first time he talked surgery at all so that certainly 'caught my attention'. He is keeping a close eye on me and I am thankful he is taking me seriously.

I have not begun to research other Mass General Surgeons.

Thank you all you generous, sharing, knowledgable people. You are an amazing group. Though I found you late in my recovery from Bypass Surgery, the help I have gotten is immense.

My husband had his surgery at Mass General. His surgeon was Dr. Gus Vlahakis. His office is inside the hospital.

I cannot tell you how pleased we were with him.

When we arrived at his office for the very first appointment, he had to wait a bit. He was tied up with an emergency.

When it was time for us to go in to speak with him, the waiting room was filling up. We went in, sat down, and he had reviewed his file, and was up to date on Wayne's condition. I think he spent a bit over an hour with us. At one point, I said "There are other people in the waiting room....", and he replied, with a smile, "They will wait." Sure enough, everyone did. Dr. Vlahakis is a warm, kind, intelligent doctor. Now my husband's surgery was dual valves, with a question on his aorta. So, he could only schedule one surgery for that day. My husband's condition at the time was really not good. By the time surgery day came around, he could not walk 50 feet without getting winded. He was in chronic a-fib, needed two valves replaced, and his aorta was enlarged from the regurgitation. Dr. Vlahakis started the surgery at 6:00 am, and called me around 3:30-4:00. I went into ICU to see him around 8:00PM, if I recall correctly, and Dr. Vlahakis was still at the hospital. He came into the CICU while I was there, as Wayne was having some rate problems.

At our very last visit, he again took a lot of time explaining things to us...what to look for, etc. Too much to go in to here.

Now my husband will eventually need another heart surgery (tricuspid valve has a severe leak). There is no other doctor that we would go to.

I wish you well, and hope that whomever you choose, does a great job with your second surgery. May God bless you on this journey.

Mass General

Mass General

My Second open heart was at Mass General.
Dr. Gus Vlahakes was my surgeon. I can't recommend him strongly enough. He saved my life. His info
Gus J. Vlahakes
Professor of Surgery
Chief Division of Cardiac Surgery
Tel 617-726-1861
fx 617-726-5804
53 Fruit Street BUL 119
Boston, Ma 02114-2696
2 wonderful woman work for him, Betty-Ann and Bonnie
They continued to help and support me 4 months after my surgery and Dr. Vlahakes told me that 24 hours a day 7 days a week he will be there for me for the rest of my life. I have never had that kind of support from any doctor.

He was also very wonderful and supportive of my terrified husband.

If you need surgery this doctor is the BEST the is.

MaryBeth and Kathy..........Two amazingly powerful recommendations for Dr. Vlahakes. I am greatly appreciative for your sharing and very happy to hear of such happy outcomes in both your cases. Best wishes to you for the best of good health.

I had gone to Mass General's website after writing my last post here and found his bio as well as the other surgeons at MGH who are taking new patients. Some very, very fine physcians.

I see my cardio again in 4 weeks and will see what he has to say then.

Thank you again.

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