Masks guidance

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Professional Dingbat, Guru and Merkintologist
Nov 4, 2012
Queensland, OzTrayLeeYa
Saturday, when I was back in the E.R., one of the patients was wearing a mask - but she only covered her mouth. Apparently, to her, covering the nose made it harder to breathe. She looked at me, I indicated that it should cover her nose, too. She did, for about five minutes.

In California, they said that if you don't have a mask, a bandana would also work. I have bandanas - but am fortunate to have a real mask.

Pellicle - we can count on you to come up with great maerials. The thing that you posted about masks should answer questions about masks that many of us probably have.

My wife has been sewing masks for us and family. She makes them from a pattern I found on the Vanderbilt University web site. She uses 3 to 4 layers of cotton cloth, often with a washable filter in between. From what we can read, this combination is as close to an N-95 as we can get, without taking one away from a first-line provider.

As for patterns, she has a lot of fabric that displays the US "Stars and Stripes" motif, like our flag. It seems that each time I venture into a store wearing one of her creations, at least one person says something like "Nice mask, dude!"

The only snarky thing I will add is that this is indeed a scary time to be the night-shift clerk at a convenience store. ALL of the customers are wearing masks. . .
My wife has been sewing masks for us and family. She makes them from a pattern I found on the Vanderbilt University web site. She uses 3 to 4 layers of cotton cloth, often with a washable filter in between. From what we can read, this combination is as close to an N-95 as we can get, without taking one away from a first-line provider.

As for patterns, she has a lot of fabric that displays the US "Stars and Stripes" motif, like our flag. It seems that each time I venture into a store wearing one of her creations, at least one person says something like "Nice mask, dude!"

The only snarky thing I will add is that this is indeed a scary time to be the night-shift clerk at a convenience store. ALL of the customers are wearing masks. . .
I would love to buy 4? Are they washable? I can mail a check because I don’t use banking apps.
I have made some cloth masks and for the filter in between the cotton fabric pocket I have used floor vent filter that I ordered from Lowe's. It's about $4 for a pack of 12. I did call the phone # on the package to be sure it would be safe to used. It washable just like the cotton fabric.
One thing that most fabric masks are missing is the wire at the bridge of the nose. In Dec. my daughter had a staff infection that went septic. It was in her heart and brain. For nine days I got used to wearing mask and gloves in the hospital. At the hospital every time you left the room you would put on a new masks and gloves. My cardiologist put me on ten days of antibiotics. On a Sunday she ran a 5k and by Wednesday evening she was deathly sick. It was not MRSA and have no idea how she contracted it. After 7 weeks of 24 hour every day antibiotic at home she made a full recovery.
What seems to annoy me most about the masks is the people who don't have sense enough to cover their noses with them. At best, they position then below their mostrils. Used this way, they'd almost be as well off not wear4ing a mask at all.
😷😷 I was lucky to be able to order masks from Cambridge Mask Co for my older family members and myself. It is a 99n military grade mask from UK. I used it once a week when I grocery shop. I still have not wash it because after sitting for a week any coronavirus germs would have died. They are taking orders now that are being shipped in late July. This coronavirus is not going away anytime soon. I only paid US $30 when I order mine. The British Air lines is giving their first class passengers a cambridge mask. It also came with a strap for the back of the head.
I was in my electroplysiologist's office yesterday. One-third of the people in the waiting room had their noses uncovered. When I pointed this out to one of the offenders, she said 'but it makes it hard for me to breathe.' Duh.
I think the main role for non N95 masks is to protect other people rather than yourself. A cloth mask may reduce the size of the cloud of aerosolised drops from breathing/coughing/sneezing. This will hopefully reduce the risk for the person next to you if you happen to be an asymptomatic speader. Similarly, if the person next to you is an asymptomatic spreader and has a mask, maybe this helps to reduce your risk.

As far as I can see, no country that mandates masks has high COVID numbers. This might not be due to mask effectiveness, rather a reflection of governments taking a strong response.