Granbonny said:
I,m sorry to hear of this latest set-back...I am wondering, however, about the medicare issue? you don't seem old enough..age 65?...Your profile doesn't show anything? age, ect......have you applied for disability and it was accepted..but you have a waiting period?.....I know it is very hard to get..and only the ones that really have a disability get it.....Sounds like you really deserve it.

My sister has many health problems..but, was denied. She got lucky and found 4 hours a day near her home..Plus, she started getting S.S. from her deceased husband age 59 1/2.......Maybe your doctor could help speed the medicare coverage up? Bonnie
Bonnie..I willl be 50 next Monday , the 16th. I have been sick since 2003(many surgeries)started retirement in 2004 (had disability from my job) received ssdi early this year(april?), have to wait 6 months for medicare.
The ss process took 15 months for me, which is relatively fast for them.
Alabama medicaid requirements are so low, one would need to be totally impoverished to we dont qualify.
I did not want this, and have been fighting depression since Ive been approved, because you are must be very ill to receive this at my age. It is an eye opener.
Even if I can somehow swing the artficial grafts, this disease is so progressive in my family that I wonder if its worth it. So many died very young (40-50) my daughter ..her LAD is showing plauqe..Ive got her on some supplements, her homocystein level was 10.. normal is 4-6..mine hovers around 20, we have a genetic
My son has mvp, as does his youngest.. I am not sure if he has the folic acid/homcystein absorbtion problem, he cant afford the tests.But I wouldnt doubt it. In any case I push the folic acid /vitamin b 12-6 on him as well lol

I end all conversations with .(Did you take your acid??)

Well, thankyou all, I am exploring the possibilities out there, and I have to trust Dr Buckley that he knows what he is doing.
Love the pup