Hey, Sue, I'm still here! That was a bit of an experiment, so I could show Jay how the board works & let him actually practice posting something. We chose Small Talk because that is sort of a catch-all. I told him to post in "Post-Surgery" next time.
It's still a.m. here on the west coast, and I've got a whole day to read encouraging words, so post away. Checking VR is probably the last thing I'll do tonight b4 I go to sleep (sleep????).
I'm still going in tomorrow as far as I know. Right now I'm doing the laundry. Don't think I'll want to be doing that for a while after I get back. Anyway doing "normal," ordinary things like laundry is suddenly very appealing and soothing.
It's a lovely day here in Northern California -- bright sunshine -- I think I'll go for a walk in the park this afternoon after I call the surgeon's office to double check as they want me to do.