Marge's husband

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I am Jay Marge's husband I will be reporting on her progress from 12 Feb., '04 till she is back home from the hospital. First report will be tomorrow the 12th.


Thanks for posting for Marge. My significant other, Wayne, posted for me. I didn't realize until later what he went through. He said waiting during my surgery was the hardest four hours of his life.

You will both be in my prayers.

P.S. Wayne would print out the responses from all on this board and bring them to the hospital (luckily they had a printer in the hotel) for me to read - I can't tell you how the posts helped my state of mind. I hope that we can help Marge in the same way.

Christina L.
So sorry I missed the opportunity to give Marge a few last encouraging words. I assume your post means she tolerated the Cipro just fine and surgery is a GO.
If you happen to read this post before they take her in, please remind her that we'll hold her close to our hearts 'til we know she's safely through. Godspeed.
Hi Jay and Marge-

Want to wish you all the best tomorrow and then it's just a matter of letting nature take its course in the healing process and on to better things,

So Bon Voyage and smooth sailing. Thanks for keeping us posted, Jay. We'll all be waiting to hear.

God Bless.
Hey, Sue, I'm still here! That was a bit of an experiment, so I could show Jay how the board works & let him actually practice posting something. We chose Small Talk because that is sort of a catch-all. I told him to post in "Post-Surgery" next time.
It's still a.m. here on the west coast, and I've got a whole day to read encouraging words, so post away. Checking VR is probably the last thing I'll do tonight b4 I go to sleep (sleep????).
I'm still going in tomorrow as far as I know. Right now I'm doing the laundry. Don't think I'll want to be doing that for a while after I get back. Anyway doing "normal," ordinary things like laundry is suddenly very appealing and soothing.
It's a lovely day here in Northern California -- bright sunshine -- I think I'll go for a walk in the park this afternoon after I call the surgeon's office to double check as they want me to do.

Thanks for stepping in. It is great of you to keep us informed. More importantly, you can deliver our fresh best wishes to Marge. Please tell Marge that we are all praying for her successful surgery and smooth recovery.

This will be an adventure for you as well. Please feel free to share your questions and concerns with us.

Ain't technology wonderful that we can use it to help each other. :D
Jay and Marge,
I'll be thinking of, and praying for, both of you. I look forward to getting the good news after surgery!
Best wishes to you, Marge, as you begin your trek up the mountain. I'm sure you'll come through with flying colors. You are in my thoughts and prayers!:)


I hope your surgery is as noneventful as mine, and your recovery as quick. I am sure it will be.
Jay, it's nice to meet you and thank you for letting us know how things are going.
I didn't want you to go without my best wishes.
Good Luck

Good Luck


Good luck tomorrow. You will be in my thoughts.

It looks like we may have a snow day tomorrow here in N.C. so I should have lots of time to pray for you and I'll do just that. May the Lord bless you and keep you.
Glad I didn't miss you after all. Before a week has passed, I hope we hear a little "sass" from you-that's when we'll know your recovery is well underway.

Keep us posted on that gal of yours and if YOU need us, we're here for you as well.


I'll be praying for you. I'll pray especially that you don't wake up until the tube is OUT, for peaceful hospital stay, and a quick recovery.

I'm glad that Jay will be there to watch out for that crazy PA. We appreciate that he is willing to post.
Good Luck Marge!
Will be keeping you in my prayers for an unevenful surgery.
Thanks for posting Jay.
Kathy H
Marge - Good luck with the surgery. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Sending positive thoughts your way Marge. Hope everthing goes well for you.

Anna : )
See y'all next week sometime

See y'all next week sometime

Well, it's 4:52 a.m. out here in NorCal. I'm just off. Supposed to be at hospital at 6 a.m. Surgery scheduled ay 7:45 a.m. Yeah, sure.

We went out a good Italian dinner last night. To heck with the no salt & other diet nonsense for this one time. Luigi, the owner, a Lucchese, brought some nice prosecco and we all toasted each other.

I feel quite calm. I actually managed a couple hours of sleep.

Well, I guess its ciao for now.

Love to all.

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