Man chops off his toe......

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2006
Kilkenny, Ireland.
Hi All.....Its just been on the news that a man in Northern Ireland (Governed by England) was suffering so badly from pain in one of his toes and was waiting so long to have it removed in an operation that he CHOPPED IT OFF HIMSELF with a chissel and a hammer. The chissel got stuck and the toe was hanging off so he was taken to hospital by ambulance where they removed it surgically. When asked about the pain of his toe hanging off, the poor man said, he had been in so much pain that it wasnt actually any worse hanging off.

Turns out the toe was infected and poisoning his body and he now feels GREAT, and can get a night sleep for the 1st time in years.
Hi All.....Its just been on the news that a man in Northern Ireland (Governed by England) ................

Hmmm ......... not now true. OK this isn't the place for political discussions, especially given the history of Irish politics..............However, N.Ireland has a devolved government. The Northern Irish Executive is responsible for all health matters.

The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety Minister: Michael McGimpsey MLA is responsible for, public health; primary care services and community health and personal social services; family practitioner services; elderly and community care; child care and child protection; family policy; mental health; learning disability; physical and sensory disability; provision of hospital services and clinics; accident and emergency services; public safety - ambulance and fire and rescue services.

I would think the responsibility for severed toes lies in Stormont not on this side of the Irish Sea. Thankfully the rest of the UK can no longer be whipping boys for home grown Irish problems.
*Thanks Tom..... I find it funny when people like Bonzo Dog say ''ok, this isnt the place for politics ''BUT''....meaning Im going to talk about it anyway. Needless to say I 'WONT' be engaging in a political debate with this person. I have enough on my plate and I come here to give support to, and get support from my 'friends' not agrue with anyone. Hope your well. :cool:
What an amazing story. I guess we can't even imagine the amount of pain he was in that would drive him to chop off his toe. It is great how it turned out!
Another toe story??years ago when I was maybe in first grade my Dad had a catfish fin him in the toe?..he thought nothing of it after applying the appropriate first aid?.long and short of it?.it became infected and very painful?.the doctors treated him with antibiotics and it would clear up and then flare back up?..back to the doctor?x-rays?.nothing?.out of desperation one night he sliced his toe open with a razor blade and sure enough the fin from the catfish was still there?.bandaged the toe?took another stiff drink?.end of story??the point?well, there is no point to this story:rolleyes:??.
*Thanks Tom..... I find it funny when people like Bonzo Dog say ''ok, this isnt the place for politics ''BUT''....meaning Im going to talk about it anyway. Needless to say I 'WONT' be engaging in a political debate with this person. I have enough on my plate and I come here to give support to, and get support from my 'friends' not agrue with anyone. Hope your well. :cool:

Jacqui I didn't get involved in politics. :confused: the post could have run for a page had I done.
It was a matter of righting a misleading factual inaccuracy on where government responsibility for health lay in N. Ireland.
We are a health forum, I restricted the post to health, trying not to rise to a heavy hint of colonialism in the original post.
I had an earache a few years ago that caused me so much pain I considered cutting off my head! However, I was afraid that because of Warfarin, I would bleed to death, so I decided not to!

On the other topic, Jacqui, sometimes you get what you ask for. Those three words in parentheses, that had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the story, invited the response. Bonzo was just trying to correct what he saw as a misstatement.
It's an incredible story.

I think Jacqui's comments need to be filter through the incredibly frustrating and disheartening path she's had to travel with both her and her son's health issues. When we are doing all that we humanly can, we look for other reasons our care is so substandard. Just like we have many differing views on how the healthcare issue should be handled in the US, I'm sure that our friends across the pond have just as many with theirs.

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