Lynlw's son Justin's surgery on Tuesday

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I'm starting this thread early as Lyn's son Justin will be going in for pre-op on Monday and surgery to replace the conduit on Tuesday. Lyn has been so good about keeping us up to date on Andrew and I know we will all be praying for a successful surgery and uneventful recovery for Justin. Hope you get to do something fun this weekend, Justin and we will all be waiting and watching next week. Godspeed.
We will be with you in spirit and asking God to hold Justin's hand.
Lyn.......BIG prayers are on the way to Justin this weekend and throughout his recovery!

There is no one better prepared for Justin 5th surgery then Lyn. She is a remarkable mother of a remarkable son. Still it never gets easier the more times you have had surgery. My thoughts will be with them and I know he will soon be attending his hero's induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame this July. Go get well, Justin!:)

GOOD LUCK on your upcoming surgery next week. I hope you are able to do something fun/relaxing this weekend.

Please know thoughts/prayers are coming your way for a SUCCESSFUL surgery :).

And ... Lyn ... thoughts/prayers are coming your way as well.

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
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"We got mountains to climb" ... Rod Stewart ... 'Broken Arrow'

Justin, You will be in good hands... My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Wishing you a succeessful surgery and a healthy, speedy recovery.

Hoping all goes well, Justin and Lyn. "Remarkable," is correct. Keep it up and get really well really soon!
Thank you everyone, you guys actually made me cry, (in a good way)It helps so much to know so many prayers and good thoughts will be with us. Justin's last surgery I actually felt peace during the surgery, I told Don it was almost like I could feel the prayers and Angels sent to watch over us. Since then I have met and got to know all the great hearts here, and even tho many needed repaired they all work really well at holding love,
Thank you again and i will update his page as we get updates. Lyn
All of our best wishes and kind thoughts are with you and Justin. Please know that you are both real champions...ones that will overcome this hurdle too.
Blanche and Al
Just wanted to add to the list of well-wishes for Justin! We will keep you in our prayers that all goes smoothly & he is home recuperating soon!!!
All the best to Justin and the people around Justin!

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Cheers Lyn,

Just want to push this up to the top- Justin goes in for pre-surgery tomorrow and we all be right there with him and his family.
saying prayers for Justin & family. i'll be watching for updates on tuesday. best of luck, justin, for a smooth surgery & recovery.
I'm just getting home, but I wanted to try and get a post to you before tomorrow.
I'll give you a call, but for now, may God's peace be with Justin, you, your husband, and your entire family.