Loud Heart (might be in my head)

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2005
For those who are post surgery - do you recall being aware of your heart beat and thinking that it was loud? Especially before falling asleep at night (when there are no distractions and not much noise)? For everyone else - do you experience this? It seems that my heart beat is extra loud and strong lately (but this could also be stress/anxiety). I can also feel my heart beating quite strongly just at the top of my sternum. Is this normal? I'm happy that it is beating :D but just wondering if it is getting louder or if I am just imagining things.
Dick has mentioned that he hears his heart louder at night when he lies down- one of the things we have on the list to ask the cardio in July.
Ashley said:
For those who are post surgery - do you recall being aware of your heart beat and thinking that it was loud? Especially before falling asleep at night (when there are no distractions and not much noise)? For everyone else - do you experience this? It seems that my heart beat is extra loud and strong lately (but this could also be stress/anxiety). I can also feel my heart beating quite strongly just at the top of my sternum. Is this normal? I'm happy that it is beating :D but just wondering if it is getting louder or if I am just imagining things.
You are perfectly normal for hearing this. You are more aware of your heart now and soon it will not bother you.

- John
Since receiving my St. Jude some years ago, I do notice the beating at night much more than before.
One thing I have found that helped me though, is to avoid eating foods too close to bedtime. If it is something that is a little harder to digest, your heart will beat stronger trying to pump more blood to help digestion.
Of course this would include things like caffeine, choclate, etc.
Mine was loud before surgery, but now I can feel it in thumping in the back of my neck. I attribute that to my high heart rate, and I expect it will decrease in the coming post surgery weeks.
My heart was beating loudly this morning at 04.45 when i was woken by 2 youth's breaking into my garage to steal my dirtbike.As i gave chase down the garden with a rolling pin in one hand and golf club in the other i thought my heart was going to come through my chest. I got my AVR in september. :mad:
Hi Ashley,
I can feel what seems like my aorta bouncing against my sternum. However, I had an anerysm repaired so it is probablt the flow through the dacron tube in the area.
Loud Heart

Loud Heart

Hi! I understand what you mean about LOUD :eek: I didn't think I was ever going to get over mine being so loud. Even now after a year and 4 months it is STILL loud. I am just glading it is beating. Sometimes when I have trouble falling asleep I will put on a CD or headset, like the ocean sounds. Anyway good luck to you. Happy clicking :p
My heart makes a lot of racket now, but, like Mary's, it was always loud. I haven't noticed any post-op difference (sport a St. Jude's replacement for a bum mitral valve).
Mary said:
Mine was loud before surgery, but now I can feel it in thumping in the back of my neck. I attribute that to my high heart rate, and I expect it will decrease in the coming post surgery weeks.

Hey Mary,

We are somewhat connected. I am glad to see you are experiencing some of the same traits as I am. Since the surgery I have had some real strong beats, not fast but very hard almost shakes my head. It happens mostly when I am laying down or sitting in a slouched position.

Is it the same for you? Glad we are normal, just want it to stop already!!!
Do you have night sweats? You wake up and your pillow or shirt is damp (by the back of your neck)
coryp said:
Hey Mary,

We are somewhat connected. I am glad to see you are experiencing some of the same traits as I am. Since the surgery I have had some real strong beats, not fast but very hard almost shakes my head. It happens mostly when I am laying down or sitting in a slouched position.

Is it the same for you? Glad we are normal, just want it to stop already!!!
Do you have night sweats? You wake up and your pillow or shirt is damp (by the back of your neck)

No night sweats, but I remember Tobagotwo suffered through those.
Regarding the beats, yep, it feels like my head is moving on its own accord. My HR is always up when it does it, and I can't predict when it will happen.
Funny thing is, we've been checking it before walking, when I finish, and 5 minutes afterwards. It might be 104 beforehand; 114 when I finish, and 5 minutes later, down to 99.

And Cory, you know we both received the same valve , don't you? Maybe our cows are feeling frisky or something!
Ashley said:
...but just wondering if it is getting louder or if I am just imagining things.

You aren't imagining things ... at least, in my experience you aren't. I've had several people say that they can hear my heartbeat more so than anyone else's. Sometimes, that is flattering ... other times, it is a wee bit embarrassing.

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 31swm/pig valve/pacemaker
'72,6,9/'81,7.hobbies.chdQB = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
MC Guide = http://www.chevyasylum.com/mcspotter/main.html
"In the rush I hear a voice" ... Steven Curtis Chapman ... 'Dive'


After I got my pacemaker, I thought I was going to go insane listening to my heart beating in bed. I think it is the first time in my life it was beating to its capacity! LOL I am used to it now. Oh boy cant wait till I get my mech valve. :rolleyes:
I've been very aware of my heartbeat since surgery, but I've also had some problems with tachycardia. I noticed a few weeks before I was diagnosed with endocarditis that my heart would often feel like it was going to beat itself out of my chest! My boyfriend would even comment that he could feel my heartbeat alot. ("Wow, your heart is being so fast and strong!") I thought it was just because I was mad at him. ;) So I don't think it's in your head. I think knowing you have a heart problem also makes you extra aware of your heartbeat. :)
My heart seems to beat very forcefully against my sternum now. When I inhale deeply I can feel it very strongly. Plus my St. Judes is loud. If you were standing next to me in a quiet room, you could hear it.

So I'm coming to terms with this whole strong/loud heartbeat thing. I'm learning to sleep despite it and go for periods during the day when I am able to forget about it. I do find it embarrasing, though, when I'm in a situation where I know the person next to me must be thinking, "What the heck is that clicking noise?"
I was glad to see Ashley's post because I had noticed in the last couple of days that at at times, my heart seemed to beating "harder" that usual. I can almost always hear the clicking but this seems like when you're scared and you can feel your heart pounding in your chest (but not that extreme). I wonder if it's not that they are trying to keep me so dry???? (80 of lasix in the morning, 40 at night, I don't stray far from a restroom!)
Anyway, as long as your rhythm stays normal, it's probably more of an annoyance than anything else!
I'm glad you hear it too!

I'm glad you hear it too!

Ashley said:
For those who are post surgery - do you recall being aware of your heart beat and thinking that it was loud? Especially before falling asleep at night (when there are no distractions and not much noise)? For everyone else - do you experience this? It seems that my heart beat is extra loud and strong lately (but this could also be stress/anxiety). I can also feel my heart beating quite strongly just at the top of my sternum. Is this normal? I'm happy that it is beating :D but just wondering if it is getting louder or if I am just imagining things.

I just had my second open heart a month ago and am again experiencing what seems like a extremely loud heart beat when trying to go to sleep. My valve replacement was about fourteen months ago and I remember wondering if I was going to have heart failure every night because I could feel my heart beating so strongly (I tend to be a bit dramatic.) I can't remember when it finally stopped - but stop it did eventually.
Ashley - Jim's heartbeat was very noticeable prior to his heart surgery, by which I mean he had a really strong heartbeat and you could even see his belly move with each beat when he was lying down. In his case, I think it was due to his left ventricle being enlarged. Since the AVR, although he now clicks, his heart is back to normal size and it beats less hard now. Which isn't to say this is what you're experiencing, it is very likely you're simply more aware of your heart and thinking about it will make you notice it more. Maybe worth mentioning next time you see your cardio though if you're concerned.

Phil - that sounds exactly like something Jim would do! About 4 months post-op he was standing on the garage roof (you can get to it from the landing) shining a torch into the garden because he thought he heard someone stealing his bike. I hope that you scared your burglars off for good :) .

It will 1 year on August 31 and I hear it ALL THE TIME!! need ambien or tylenol PM to go to sleep, or at least I think I do...........