Looking for advice on Tissue V Mechanical valve

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No not specifically, but I tend to cut myself when using a new blade. So dont want the aggravation of trying to stop the bleading before trying to head out to work and thought going for an electric may be the easiest option. Looking into electric razors you can get electric razors that yoy can still use as a wet shave.

Those kind of cuts are not a problem with warfarin. Remember, your blood still clots, it just takes a few seconds longer than someone not on ACT.
Tonyj, I got a bloody nose in the hospital 2 days after surgery. Just a small one. I called the nurse. She was like, "thats no big deal". I bought a shaver. It works wet or dry, Philips Norelco 1250x/40 SensoTouch 3d Electric Shaver. I never used one before, but I like it. The very first time it didn't work well. I don't know if the blades have a coating or something on them from the factory. I still use a razor every now and then. It gets closer.
I've shaved with a standard gillette blade (one of the Mach 3 series) forever. I've been on coumadin pretty much as long as I've been shaving. Never liked the way electric made me break out. Never had an issue with cuts. I'm not using a straight edge with no mirror.
Those kind of cuts are not a problem with warfarin. Remember, your blood still clots, it just takes a few seconds longer than someone not on ACT.

Here here. Spot on!!!!

I still use my blade to shave. I tried electric and it is just not for me. You need to keep your blade sharp and replace it often and you can minimize the cuts. Here is the best part, when on anti-coagulation let's say at 2.2 INR, your blood will take twice as long to clot (scratch that stop actively bleeding) as when you were not on anti-coagulation at 1.0-1.1 INR. So, try this. Next time you get cut (small cut, like when shaving) measure how fast you stop bleeding, my guess is around 10-12 seconds with minimal intervention. Ok, so when on anti-coags with 2.2 INR it will take about double that for that same size cut to stop bleeding. This does not bother me in the slightest. I have been on warfarin for only 7 weeks, and mostly in range of 2.0-2.2. I've had already more than 10 small cuts and they all stopped bleeding pretty fast. I did not even bother thinking about it.

Larger cuts same rule will apply. Unless, someone can point to a document that describes it better, above is what I have understood by reading about PT/INR time, etc.

Hope this helps.
I too was concerned about using my razor since I have a mechanical valve. But since I've used electric razors in the past and didn't really like the feel, I kept my analog razor :cool: I have a couple of spots that I tend to nick if I'm not really carefull, so I've been overly cautious since the surgery. We'll I nicked myself last week and I thought I would really bleed since I'm on warfarin. But as it turns out, it didn't bleed very much at all compaired to when I was on blood pressure meds. Prior to my surgery I was on high blood pressure meds for hypertension, but since the surgery my blood pressure has been very good and I'm blood pressure med free. Back then if I nicked myself I would bleed alot.
So for me, warfarin has not caused any bleeding problems during shaving.
So for me, warfarin has not caused any bleeding problems during shaving.

My career required daily customer contact and a clean shave, which I couldn't get with an electric shaver....so I used a blade razor from my surgery until my retirement. Never had a problem with nicks or bleeding over the years. Did have to apply a little "toilet paper" patch a few times. After retirement I began using a Philips Norrelco and have be pleasantly surprised at the close shave I get.....and no more "toilet paper" patches.

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