Lookin Good

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I got a laugh today. I went to cardiac rehab and parked in the parking lot marked Rehab parking only. The security guard came over and told me that was only for patients and I could not park there. I thought I was going to have to show her my scar or something for her to believe me. LOL. Proof that surgery sooner rather than later is worth it! Recovery is so much quicker.
Kathy H

I bet that really made your day. I can see you now-- "No really! I really am 50 years old and had open heart surgery!"

Now that I've got a pronounced limp (@#$^$^@# knee!) I bet the guard wouldn't give me a second look.

On the other hand, I was talking with a casual acquaintance of mine who is a sheriff's deputy here, and noticed that he kept staring at my arms. I realized he was looking at the needle marks in the crooks of both elbows - souveneirs of my weekly blood tests - and was probably thinking to himself that I had a serious heroin habit! :eek:


Hi Kathy,

Good for you for looking & feeling so good that the security guard didn't realize you were a patient and were there for rehab.
I experienced it myself a month after my AVR's (8/2000) when I went to rehab. I was pretty much the youngest patient at rehab and was in much better shape than the others. The first day they had no idea what I could do and didn't realize how strong I was but that changed real fast. I already had been walking the treadmill at home for more than two miles a day. I had to show them my scar because it was difficult for them to believe I had had two AVR's 6 weeks earlier.
Hello, Kathy,
I can definitely identify. I was 33 when I had my replacement, and I swear if I heard, "You're too young for heart surgery" from one more person, I was going to go ballistic :mad: Glad you're doing so well.
Ravenlaw>>It's been over a year since I got out of the hospital and I STILL have "track marks" running up and down both arms....

The inside of my left elbow is going to be forever a darkish shade of purplish blue from all the bloodwork....

Generally, even a security guard, should be able to HEAR the artificial valve.

And if that doesn't work either pull out your ID card (if you got one) or show a little cleveage...


Everyone wants to see your scar, don't they.I had just left a restaurant with some friends when they asked, I pulled down the front of my shirt, then noticed a man who got an eyefull. :eek: LOL I don't know where he came from.
Raverlaw- I'll bet that guy figured you for a drug user. I was lucky to have a VNA with the coagu check, so I had fingersticks.
Kathy H
This is so funny regarding showing people our battle scars. Just yesterday at the surgeon's office I was telling him that I already looked like Zoro had put his marks on me on my stomach. One from gall bladder and the other from my kidney surgery a couple of years ago. My surgeon's name is Dr. Raymond Vetsch so I told him just put a "V" on my chest. He laughed and said he just might do that. Just kidding Doc! ! :D :D :D
I've got a small collection of light "Hawiian style" shirts for summer.. They all have a lower neckline to the button up shirt and you can see about the top inch and a half of my scars (the old one is still visible under the new one.)

I get a few double looks with that and the audible clicking...

"Something's just not right with that boy...."
I had to go in for a stress test Tuesday, so I rock up at the cardio clinic in my sweat pants, looking like I'm just off to the gym.....

Anyhoo, there were so many people in there that day (..and I was by far the youngest..) that there weren't enough seats for patients. I ended up sitting on the floor because of the filthy looks I was getting from some of the seniors, even though half of them were probably in better shape than I am right now - especially those who were only there to hold their partner's hands and weren't actually patients.

After my test (..which was pathetic - 8 minutes and I didn't even break a sweat before I had to sit down from almost passing out from SOB..) I had to sit back in the waiting room, before going off to be fitted to my event monitor. I hadn't been sitting back down long before they called me and I heard one old lady say to her hubby "Why should they see her? I've been waiting here longer than she has!". Considering I had already waited an hour before my stress test (..on the floor!..), I had a bit of a chuckle since she obviously didn't see which way I entered the office.

....ah, what is it they say about books and covers..??

A : )
about scars

about scars

What cracks me up about scars ... I'll be out running without my shirt, and after walking up the drive or in the parking lot; people will stop to talk and you will notice them take a quick glance at my scar then quickly look away. It is just funny. I really would not mind them asking about my 'scar' but it is like their afraid it would bother me. Anyway, I just kind of chuckle at their uncomfortableness. :)

PS Do you notice all of our pictures seem green on the thread today. Just wondering if it the thread or my computer. Very hazy.
Mark Wagner said:
What cracks me up about scars ... I'll be out running without my shirt, and after walking up the drive or in the parking lot; people will stop to talk and you will notice them take a quick glance at my scar then quickly look away. It is just funny. I really would not mind them asking about my 'scar' but it is like their afraid it would bother me. Anyway, I just kind of chuckle at their uncomfortableness. :)

PS Do you notice all of our pictures seem green on the thread today. Just wondering if it the thread or my computer. Very hazy.

Mark have you ever felt the need to take a magic marker out and highlight the tracks with some really attention getting color and then walking around with your shirt off? I think we should try this experiment. I'd love to catch the reactions on video! :D
I not only get the "Looks" for the chest scar, but some really strange looks when they see the trach tube scar in my throat just below the adams apple! :eek: I'm still waiting for someone to ask if I got shot there or what.
hensylee said:
Ross, you have a scar at the base of your throat. Did you get shot there, or what?

Yeah some insane pulmonologist came into my room while I was in the netherworld walking around in nightmare land, pulled out his cannon and blasted a hole in my throat the size of a quarter, maybe even a half dollar. Later on, when he figured out he couldn't kill me, he told me that I tried really hard to die on them 5 different times. :eek: