Lookin for anyone that has had a stroke post surgery

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Active member
Sep 7, 2009
South Boson, VA
Kenny had his first AVR on May 8, 2009, suffered a major stroke on Jan 16, 2010, followed by another AVR on Feb 10, 2010. Bacterial Endocarditious was the cause of the 1st OHS, stroke was never 100% determined as to the cause, 2nd OHS was another fungial infection on the heart. Kenny is now suffering mini strokes and I am hoping and praying someone out here has dealt with this and can offer some insight.

Thank you
I'm sorry to hear that Kenny is still having problems. I do hope that he is able to enjoy your new baby. Does he have a mechanical or tissue valve? Is he taking coumadin, on aspirin therapy or any other anti-coag? If so, what is his INR, who is managing it? I'm pretty sure there are others who have had strokes on here, for a variety of reasons, since their VR. Hopefully, they will be along to share their experiences.

He has a mechanical valve now and is on coumadin and we have had a time trying to get that regulated. His INR is supposed to be 2-3, it has gotten down to 1 and been as high as 11! He is scheduled to see the Dr tomorrow and they will look in his eyes? Prior to his 1st surgery they looked in his eyes and they moved him up to emergency surgery so I am probably over concerned and they do have him taking extra coumadin until he can be seen, I'm sure this is to keep the blood a little extra thin to aviod a clot from causing a major stroke. I am sure there are others on here that have been through this, I just hope they read this post. I do not express my concerns with him as I don't want to scare him, he seems to stay so positive through it all and that's the way I want him to be. thank you and any information you have is greatly appreciated
Sorry to hear about Kenny. Hope it gets resolve soon. I was wondering about you.
Thanks for the update.
I understand that he had a major stroke and is now having mini strokes.

Have his doctors referred to his mini strokes as TIAs? If so, my husband had many TIAs (transient ischemic attacks) which are tiny pieces of debris in the bloodstream that pass through the brain and cause temporary symptoms. They can be tiny blood clots, cholesterol or other plaques getting into the bloodstream, etc. possibly even debris caused by infections or healing from infections and are not always caused by blood clots which is why my husband and others have had these when their INRs were in range, when they were too high and when they were too low. So if it is being caused by anything other than a blood clot, Coumadin and/or Plavix and/or aspirin would have no affect on them. Sometimes they can come from Carotid artery plaques breaking off. Some doctors call them mini strokes. Some of Joe's manifested this way:

loss of vision in one eye, several times
slurred and unintelligible speech
suddenly forgetting how to do mundane tasks, like how to wind up the garden hose on the reel
stabbing pain in his head
fainting or feeling like passing out

TIAs are temporary and usually resolve in a few to several minutes leaving you feeling very tired and a little strange for a few hours. They should all be evaluated in the ER, because the same symptoms can be a symptom of stroke or impending full blown stroke. The eye ones, in particular should be evaluated very fast. My husband, on Christmas Day, lost vision in his one eye. He thought it was the same old, same old, and never told me about it. He didn't want to go to the ER on Christmas. It never went away. He lost his vision permanently in that eye. It wasn't a TIA, and the eye doc told him that had he gone to the ER right away. they could possibly have saved the vision in that eye. There was a 3 hour window of opportunity to save the eye.

He also had several fainting spells which were caused by a heart arrhythmia which slowed his heart. He had a pacemaker implanted for that and it stopped that problem.

So ask the doctor about TIAs or transient ischemic attacks and see if that is what he is having now. If so, they need to try to track down the root cause of them.

Best wishes.
Nancy, I believe TIA is what he is having but hopefully we will know for sure tomorrow when he goes to his Dr. The vision is the only symptom he can tell me about but I think there is more to it than that. He still has a lot of trouble with his right arm and leg, he cannot move the arm at all so if they are tingeling or numb he would not know it. His speech has been a little off and his memory is in and out as he is still recovering from his major stroke just 4 months ago so I don't know how to determine if it's due to waht he is dealing with now or if it's from before. I am worried about his vision and the chance that he may lose it. He said everything seemed blurry and for a moment he could not see at all. We were told to take him to the ER ASAP if this happened before he gets to see his Dr so I'm glad you told me that so I know to drag him even if he does not want to go. I am very scared there may be more or new infection in his heart, I am just riding on a prayer that this was just 1 small step in the wrong direction and that everything is going to be fine. Your information has been very helpful because now I know what to look for, what to ask, and what to talk to the Dr's about. This site has been a life saver, LITERALLY!!!! I have read books, read on line, done sooo much research yet my best answers always come from here! Thank you all so much and PLEASE continue to give me any information you have. Kenny Wayne will be 28 years old in October, he is so young and I love him so much, anythin we can do to keep him headed in the right direction is a miracle in my eyes.
Keep your eye out for anything odd in his behavior. Joe's neurologist was even able to determine which area of the brain the TIA passed through just by the symptoms we gave him.

Some of these symptoms are pretty fleeting and temporary and your husband may not recognize them for what they are, so you keep a good watch on him.

Hopefully, you will get some good answers and this problem will clear up.
I'm sorry to hear Kenny is still having so many problems but lad to hear from you, I've thought about your family often. Do they know if the infection is completely gone this time, or at least whatever tests showed he had the BE before are good now? Or maybe even checking his white cell count, to look to see if he is still fighting an infection? I pray you get good answers soon.
Nancy, is there anything in particular I should be watching for? As I mentioned it is hard to tell what may be new and what is from his previous stroke?

Lyn, thank you for thinking of us! We have had one tough road through 2 open heart procedures, a stroke, and a baby! I wish I had the time to get on here more often and update but I'm raising a 3 months old and a 27 year old and holding a full time job! It's tough but they say the Lord will not give you more than you can handle so we just keep going knowin that one day we will be on the other side of this. I just hope we can get some good news. I pray that KW will one day be the same but I know in my eart that probably will not happen but it seems just when we are on track and making great progress something sets us back. I hope to have a good report tomorrow so that I can post good news for a change. As far as teh infection, the Dr's tell us it is gone but they told us that last time so we are always afraid of that, they do blood coltures and they are negative but they were that way before his 2nd surgery as well and infection was there so we just pray! They have also done CBC's and CHEM 7's and they are normal so hopefully he is infection free. Now we just need to find the cause of these mini strokes if that is indeed what he is going through.
It's hard to say because the symptoms could be subtle. But if it were Joe, I would be looking for lapses in cognition (he's there but isn't responsive), complaints of bad headaches, of course- any eye problems (he must tell you about those right away, no ifs ands or buts, and you take him right to the ER), forgetting how to do something simple, strange speech or incoherent words or phrases, how he looks- any problems with motor coordination, once when we were in a restaurant Joe used a spoon instead of a fork and was trying to pick up the food by stabbing it with the spoon, passing out or near fainting, dizziness, forgetting familiar things like your name etc.

And extreme changes in his emotions.

Just about anything that seems odd.

Yes, it will be difficult to determine if it is something new or from the major stroke.

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