Llewisi34 Out of Surgery

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2007
Indiana - just outside Indianapolis
Well, I am posting this thread in regards to my mother and her valve replacement surgery. She has given me a list of things to do, people to call, etc. and this was one of them. First, let me say thank you to all of you who have provided her support and guidance throughout the past month. This has been an extremely trying time within our family; however, she has felt so much more comfortable with the support of this wonderful website!
Surgery began around 7am. She was in surgery until about 12:30. It went wonderfully!!! The surgen replaced her valve with a tissue valve (from a pig :) ) and also replaced part of her aortic root. She has been asleep since then. It is now 4pm and she is just starting to move around a bit, but she is still on the breathing tube and eyes are shut. We are anxious for her to wake up and look at us...its a bit overwhelming at first.
Thank you again for your support. I will post more later!!!
Great news! Thanks for following Mom's orders and posting so quickly for us.:D We worry when we don't here.
Thank you for posting for her!

While I know your all anxious for her to wake up, don't be. She's going to miserable when she does wake up. the first couple days are the roughest, so support her all you can. Try to have someone their with her at all times. Take turns in shifts or whatever you have to do. Family is instrumental in recovery.
That's great news! I hope things continue to go so well and she's up and smiling soon. I know I felt a lot better just getting rid of the breathing tube and the chest tubes! It was a big relief. My prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.:)
Wonderful news. Thank you so much for letting us know.

There may be ups and downs these first few days, so don't worry too much about that. Your mother has such a lovely attitude....I just know she'll be fine.

It is a bit of a shocker for the family. A year later and my husband is still mumbling about how darn flat I looked all sheeted in to my bed and all....not to mention grey. It's normal. As are all the beeping machines and tubes every which way.

We love news. Thanks again!

Congrats to Mom

Congrats to Mom

I'm glad to hear things have gone so well for your mom. She's now on the best side of this stuff.

My wife has vivid memories of what I looked like after surgery when I was in the ICCU. The good thing about ICCU is that they start removing all of the hardware fairly quickly and your mom won't have a lot of memories of the experience.

My most clear memory of ICCU is of trying to "bolt" from the room when they told me it was time to move to the step-down unit. Lucky for me one of the nurses was quick.

Thanks for posting, Taylor. Glad things are going well for your mom. I feel for what your mom is going through as I write this, probably negotiating with her nurse for more ice chips... Hope they have her up and about tomorrow, bit by bit. Not everyone gets up the same day or the next day though; I wasn't able to get up for a few days. I have a pig valve too, by the way; works great! Tell your mom hi for all of us?
thanks for letting us know and it's good news that she's doing well and all went fine.

Even tho she's asleep, I bet she knows you are there and she will recall bits and pieces. I can remember shadowy people coming to see me during that time in the icu. I know it's now a pretty picture to see her the way she was yesterday but I bet the breathing tube is out now and she'll be in a room before today is out.

Ross is right, someone stay near if you can. I had someone and she took care of things if I needed something. She'll be home before you know it. Blessins to you all.
Thanks for posting..Maybe you can print off..all the well-wishes for her to read down the road. Bonnie
Taylor thank you for posting. This is all really good news, but there is still more hurdles through the process of recovery so help her to take it slow and easy. Mom needs to do all that deep breathing stuff and walk slow and easy but walk. I took my first walk about 30 minutes after they took me from ICU to a regular room. Granted it was about the equivalent of walking by 2-3 doors of other patients and then back, but it was the start.

I noticed the verse you have on your post. My family wrote verses or printed them off of the computer to encourage me. I even had my ipod with me and listened to the Bible on my ipod and it was so encouraging and strengthening to me. I listened to calming hymns and other worship music that really was a source of peace to me as I recovered.

God bless, you all and please continue to keep us informed.
Update...from the daughter!

Update...from the daughter!

She is doing so well!!! Up and moving around...we have had 2 walks so far this morning. We are practicing the breathing and she has eaten half a milkshake...her eyes went wide when she found out they had shakes!!! :) Thank you for all of the responses. I read some to her and she was thrilled!!!:D
Such great news. I always found that the good part about my surgeries is they were continually trying to keep my weight up (wouldn't have that problem today;) :D ;) ) and gave me pretty much anything I wanted to eat/drink. It was great.

Glad your mom is enjoying her shakes and getting around so well. Isn't it amazing what can be done to make us well these days?

Thanks for keeping us updated. Please tell your mom hi.
Absolutely wonderful news!!! I will pray that recovery continues swiftly and surely and without incident.

Peace of Christ,