here it is (I haven't even read it yet just copied and pasted)
here it is (I haven't even read it yet just copied and pasted)
May 08, 2006 at 10:05 PM EDT
This is a 2-part post. Sorry for my long-windedness, but there was a lot to tell since yesterday morning.
Part I:
2 Corinthians 4:
6 For God, who said, "Light shall shine out of darkness," is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.
7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves;
8 we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing;
9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; . .
16 Therefore, we do not lose heart.
How kind of God to bring new mercy and healing THIS day. Although Corbin is still critical and not stable, I feel encouraged by many small steps reported today. I feel that there is improved understanding of his condition and improved strength in his body. I trust that these feelings are from God.
Corbin is off the nitric oxide, epinephrine and vasopressin, but the steroids have been increased. This helps maintain his blood pressure at a mean of 60, but hurts his immune system fighting the infections. They do not yet know the results of today's doppler of his extremities. The narcotic sedatives are being weaned and Corbin is awakening more, allowing him to move and cough and thus helping to loosen congestion in his lungs. The vent setting is 45% and he is breathing over it at times -- good news, but still a long way to go toward getting off the ventilator.
The kidneys are working well eliminating fluid and the catheter has been removed to help eliminate one infection source, but the bladder infection is worse and his kidneys are not cleansing as indicated by the high BUN and creatinin numbers. Nephrology and Infectious Disease doctors desire opposing treatments: the heavy duty antibiotics needed to fight the infection are damaging to the kidneys but the infections need to be controlled and kept from the kidneys.
They need to change as many lines as possible to help eliminate sources of infection and hope to change the subclavean line to a PICC. They need to change the ET (ventilator tube) where infection is colonizing, but he is not stable enough to remove it. His chest x-ray is looking better so they are uncertain as to why he requires so much ventilator support. He is down to 2 chest tubes and there is talk of removing them, despite continued drainage, because of the need to remove all plastics. They have restarted the thyroid medicine because his thyroid has not resumed normal function.
They have determined that there are four distinctly different infections working in the blood, bladder, chest and lungs, but his blood cultures are now negative for infection -- that may be the best news today. The fungal infection in the chest is different from the fungal infection in his bladder. The bacterial infection in his lungs is not responding to antibiotic treatment, which makes them wonder if the infection is in the plastic tubing. They won't know until they can change the ET.
Although his heart rate is generally good (130's), he has occasional PVC's and rhythm abnormalities that resolve on their own.
(Continue to Part II below)
243 May 08, 2006 at 09:59 PM EDT
Three things make me feel (from 1000 miles away) that he's somewhat improved: He is awakening more and when he does, his blood pressure increases, but he will be comforted. He opens his eyes, lifts his arms and feet and wants to roll over. He's coughing more and loves those pink mouth swabs! They have now found a med to help him calm to sleep at night when Terri isn't there, which is not an increase in the narcotic sedatives.
Secondly, although the cardiologists maintain concern over Corbin's lungs and their ability to adjust to the fontan circulation, I find encouragement in Dr. Ohye's attitude. He's Corbin's surgeon who is "forever optimistic" but feels that Corbin's lungs, blood pressure and oxygenation will respond once the infections are resolved. Dr. Ohye's hands have been used by God to work miracles in Corbin on several occasions and we trust his opinion and wisdom.
Thirdly, I can hear some relief in Terri's voice. Granted, she was able to go to RMH and sleep last night due to comfort with staffing and careplan, but also more comfort with Corbin's condition, I believe.
Please understand that so much of this report is my impressions. Corbin now has pediatricians, cardiologists, pulmonologist, nephrologists, surgeons, infectious disease, hematologists and other -ologists I don't even know, rendering opinions and ordering (sometimes opposing) meds and procedures. He even has physical therapy apply special "boots" to help re-train his feet and leg muscles. But God is giving me a peace today that is new and brings joy to my heart, as I find new confidence in God's healing of Corbin. I keep hoping for the words "stable" in describing his condition, but my only real security is from the Lord, the Great Comforter, Who is telling me today that each of the "baby steps" add up to forward progress.
Your prayers sustain us and honor God, the Great Physician, who provides for Corbin. Thank you for your faithfulness to pray and to care for our family.
May God be glorified THIS day.
here it is (I haven't even read it yet just copied and pasted)
May 08, 2006 at 10:05 PM EDT
This is a 2-part post. Sorry for my long-windedness, but there was a lot to tell since yesterday morning.
Part I:
2 Corinthians 4:
6 For God, who said, "Light shall shine out of darkness," is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.
7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves;
8 we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing;
9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; . .
16 Therefore, we do not lose heart.
How kind of God to bring new mercy and healing THIS day. Although Corbin is still critical and not stable, I feel encouraged by many small steps reported today. I feel that there is improved understanding of his condition and improved strength in his body. I trust that these feelings are from God.
Corbin is off the nitric oxide, epinephrine and vasopressin, but the steroids have been increased. This helps maintain his blood pressure at a mean of 60, but hurts his immune system fighting the infections. They do not yet know the results of today's doppler of his extremities. The narcotic sedatives are being weaned and Corbin is awakening more, allowing him to move and cough and thus helping to loosen congestion in his lungs. The vent setting is 45% and he is breathing over it at times -- good news, but still a long way to go toward getting off the ventilator.
The kidneys are working well eliminating fluid and the catheter has been removed to help eliminate one infection source, but the bladder infection is worse and his kidneys are not cleansing as indicated by the high BUN and creatinin numbers. Nephrology and Infectious Disease doctors desire opposing treatments: the heavy duty antibiotics needed to fight the infection are damaging to the kidneys but the infections need to be controlled and kept from the kidneys.
They need to change as many lines as possible to help eliminate sources of infection and hope to change the subclavean line to a PICC. They need to change the ET (ventilator tube) where infection is colonizing, but he is not stable enough to remove it. His chest x-ray is looking better so they are uncertain as to why he requires so much ventilator support. He is down to 2 chest tubes and there is talk of removing them, despite continued drainage, because of the need to remove all plastics. They have restarted the thyroid medicine because his thyroid has not resumed normal function.
They have determined that there are four distinctly different infections working in the blood, bladder, chest and lungs, but his blood cultures are now negative for infection -- that may be the best news today. The fungal infection in the chest is different from the fungal infection in his bladder. The bacterial infection in his lungs is not responding to antibiotic treatment, which makes them wonder if the infection is in the plastic tubing. They won't know until they can change the ET.
Although his heart rate is generally good (130's), he has occasional PVC's and rhythm abnormalities that resolve on their own.
(Continue to Part II below)
243 May 08, 2006 at 09:59 PM EDT
Three things make me feel (from 1000 miles away) that he's somewhat improved: He is awakening more and when he does, his blood pressure increases, but he will be comforted. He opens his eyes, lifts his arms and feet and wants to roll over. He's coughing more and loves those pink mouth swabs! They have now found a med to help him calm to sleep at night when Terri isn't there, which is not an increase in the narcotic sedatives.
Secondly, although the cardiologists maintain concern over Corbin's lungs and their ability to adjust to the fontan circulation, I find encouragement in Dr. Ohye's attitude. He's Corbin's surgeon who is "forever optimistic" but feels that Corbin's lungs, blood pressure and oxygenation will respond once the infections are resolved. Dr. Ohye's hands have been used by God to work miracles in Corbin on several occasions and we trust his opinion and wisdom.
Thirdly, I can hear some relief in Terri's voice. Granted, she was able to go to RMH and sleep last night due to comfort with staffing and careplan, but also more comfort with Corbin's condition, I believe.
Please understand that so much of this report is my impressions. Corbin now has pediatricians, cardiologists, pulmonologist, nephrologists, surgeons, infectious disease, hematologists and other -ologists I don't even know, rendering opinions and ordering (sometimes opposing) meds and procedures. He even has physical therapy apply special "boots" to help re-train his feet and leg muscles. But God is giving me a peace today that is new and brings joy to my heart, as I find new confidence in God's healing of Corbin. I keep hoping for the words "stable" in describing his condition, but my only real security is from the Lord, the Great Comforter, Who is telling me today that each of the "baby steps" add up to forward progress.
Your prayers sustain us and honor God, the Great Physician, who provides for Corbin. Thank you for your faithfulness to pray and to care for our family.
May God be glorified THIS day.