little guy need prayers

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Little Corbin will be in my thoughts and prayers. please my Lord help him .
Little Corbin and family will be in my thoughts and prayers as well. God speed.


April 24, 2006 at 09:20 PM EDT
Please forgive the brevity of this posting but I am physically and emotionally "spent". Spiritually I am "soaring on eagles' wings" with gratefulness to God for today's miracles. In short, Corbin is not bleeding, his chest tube drainage is light and clear, he is off blood pressure meds and I can't even remember what all else, except that he is showing general improvement. The constant prayers and faithfulness of you friends and family has held us up and God worked a miracle obvious to even the skeptics.

Corbin is still critically ill on ECMO, but we have improvement and signs that he can stabilize. I cannot thank you enough for all the prayers and for sharing our needs with your family and friends. Thanks to all who have or will be giving blood. I don't know how many units of blood Corbin has required but it's dozens.
When I feel weak or tempted to dispair, I just read the powerful truths and caring messages you've written to this page.

Praise God alone for bringing a miracle of healing on Corbin today. May God be glorified THIS day and may He give us and Corbin strength for the next.
Psalm 126: And so we celebrate because God has, indeed, worked miracles for us.

I am humbled, speechless, and so in awe of our mighty God.
May God continue to give strength to Corbin and his family. Everyone must be exhausted but still they find time to update everyone. How great is this story?
Thanks for keeping us updated.
Prayers are being answered. I will keep Corbin at the top of my prayers list praying God in His mercy will heal him. Hugs are coming your way too.
I was so grateful to read about Corbin's improvement in last night's post. God is Good! I will continue to keep this little one and his family in my prayers. LINDA
My prayer: God Bless Corbin. Please extend his time here on earth.....his family needs him to be well, and live a long life........

"stable on ECMO", 4/25

"stable on ECMO", 4/25

April 25, 2006 at 07:19 PM EDT
"I will extol you, O Lord, for you have drawn me up and have not let my foes rejoice over me. Oh Lord my God I cried to you for help and YOU HEALED me...Sing PRAISE to the Lord, O you his saints, and give thanks to His holy name...weeping may tarry for the night, but JOY comes in the morning."!!!!!! Psalm 30:1-5ish

These words from scripture were shared in a message to us today from dear Rebekah, and they are so perfect. God's Word is Truth and His promises are True and we rest in Him.

Corbin is considered "stable on ECMO", which is really an oxymoron, but we'll take it! The best sign was when they removed the "crash" cart from his bedside. He is off the paralytic drugs but heavily sedated due to the trauma of yesterday's surgery. He opens his eyes, is aware and will cry tears when more meds are due. The plan is to let him "rest" for 2 days and work on removing nearly 11 pounds of excess fluid from his body by resuming diuretics. His right lung showed some improvement on today's x-ray so the suction is helping and additional bronc was not needed. These are tiny baby steps in the right direction and we give thanks.

Your outpouring of love and care to our family represents God's kindness and mercy and is sustaining us. The 3 brothers here are doing great and looking forward to staying with friends overnight later this week. Layna's broken toe is set for healing and GrandPenny has had NO trouble with her foot for days -- Praise God!

Blessings to all and thank you for your faithfulness to pray without ceasing during this long trial of sickness and recovery for Corbin.
I am so thankful that Corbin continues to improve. These tiny baby steps are so important for his recovery. I, too, thank God for His mercy and His healing. I will continue to pray. Thank you so much for keeping us all informed. LINDA
Our prayers certainly seem to be answered. Continuing to pray so that God continues to keep Corbin with his family.
Thank you so much for keeping us updated on this inspiring story.
thanks so much everyone. you know prayer really is amazing. when Justin was having his surgery last year, we were pretty nervous because it was his 4th OHS (and the summer before that he had his broken pacer removed, his was in his abdomen so they cut at the bottom of his sternum scar) anyway at times thru out the day I felt like I could feel all the prayers and good thoughts almost hugging me, and I really knew then that he would be ok,
this really is amazing and the faith of grandPenny is something else. lyn
I'm continuing my prayers for Corbin. I have been forwarding the Carepage posts to my son who is having some difficult situations today. He's found (as I have) them to be very inspiring. Such incredible faith. Praise God indeed.
a little better 4/26

a little better 4/26

April 26, 2006 at 07:22 PM EDT
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?. . . Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Hasn't our God been good to carry all our burdens and supply all our needs despite our circumstances?

Although Corbin remains "critically stable" on ECMO, there are some improvements. He is losing fluid weight and now there is pulse detected in all 4 extremities. Today was a resting day and tomorrow they may try his first "trial" lowering the support of the ECMO. The culture grew, proving bacterial infection in his lung, and he could not tolerate the steroid treatments so they continue heavy-duty antibiotics. The infection, plus receiving so much blood, has caused thyroid and other reactions. He is on too many meds to list and his heart is still being paced.

We give thanks for every minute with Corbin and every improvement. The PCTU has been very active again with sad and frightening situations, so please pray for T&T to be protected from despair in their situation.

We give thanks for Corbin's doctors and nurses; for the Ronald McDonald House accomodations; for the old and new friends serving T&T in Michigan and the church family serving us in Va; thanks for each of you who care and pray; God is glorified in our care for one another and we give thanks to God for his provision to Corbin and all of us.
Continuing to pray for good progress, strength and healing for Corbin.

Until tomorrow, May you know the peace that passes ALL understanding and May God be Glorified THIS day.
Please say a few more prayers,

Please say a few more prayers,

April 28, 2006 at 07:22 AM EDT
"Thou hast enclosed me behind and before, Thy hand is upon me" Psalm 139

We ask your specific prayers for Corbin this morning. He is back on dialysis because his blood pressure is now too low so they have been giving fluids to bring it up and his body is not eliminating on its own. Please pray that his blood pressure will increase and stabilize and that his kidneys will begin working again.

His body is not properly exchanging gases and his right lung is still not opening. He cannot tolerate the medicines needed for the lung (caused bleeding inside the lung), so today they will do another broncoscopy to try and loosen and suction the congestion from the lung.

They want to do another trial off the ECMO today, but only if his blood pressure normalizes. Each day on ECMO presents new risks so the goal is to get him of as soon as he can tolerate it.

Please pray for these improvements for Corbin today as we petition our Great Physician, the God who heals. Please also give thanks to God for His Glory THIS day in preserving Corbin. It is two full weeks since his fontan surgery and one full week ago that he suffered the "crash" code blue, that put him on ECMO. God has worked miracles, has intervened to identify the infection, stop the bleeding and preserve Corbin. Great healing has occurred. We know God wants to give us our hearts' desire and today that would be for Corbin to be strengthened, to improve and come off the ECMO.

Please give kisses and hugs to your children, small and large, from GrandPenny, and thank you for your faithfulness to pray. I will update as there is news.

April 28, 2006 at 12:19 PM EDT

This afternoon brings better news from a medical standpoint. The bronchoscope showed the lungs to be "better", in the words of the doctors, and they placed Cerfactin to help line the lungs and keep them from sticking. The doctors are fairly confident that this will be a successful course of action towards getting Corbin's lungs functioning again. However, should it not bring the sucess they hope, there are still other alternatives for treatement of that lung. I also rejoice to report that his blood pressure is more stable. Doctors suspect they made him too dry too quickly and have given him volume to help with his blood pressure. There will not be another ECMO trial today. Our little guy can just rest and regain strength for tomorrow's trial.

How thankful I am that we have a firm, solid God to cling to during this crazy roller coaster. As the waves of this trial rush over us and attempt to push us side-to-side with the ups and downs of the reality of our physical circumstances, we choose to cling to the unchanging Rock that is our God -- "Yahweh is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower. I call on Yahweh, who is worthy to be praised...Who is a rock besides our God, the God who arms me with strength..." (Psalm 18)

(Aunt to Corbin)
The prayers are working........

The prayers are working........

best news yet, so please keep them up. Hugs. J.

April 29, 2006 at 06:38 AM EDT
Grand Penny and Lattany do a far better job at updating then Travis and I but I thought all of you would like to know that they did not have to go back into Corbin's chest last night.

Corbin's chest remains open so all they would of had to do is remove the dressings and wash and clean his chest cavity but after the surgeons came up to see the "white frothy substance" it was determined that it was the cerfactin that he has been receiving and coming out from the air leak in his right lung. This was great news and as long as his number stay stable we can avoid another trip into his chest. He is showing improved Lung function, his blood pressure has remained stable. They relized that they were oversedating him since he came off one of the ECMO filters for dialysis and so he was receiving to much sedation. Since they stopped some of the extra drugs he has been much better. His kidneys have picked up greatly in the last 12 hours as well and he is actually staying ahead of what is going in on his own.

Corbin looks very good he is responding to us by lifting his eyebrows when we speak to him and squeezing our fingers. His color has much improved and his hands and feet are WARM!!! He is no longer a popcicle! All of this is very good signs and we are so encouraged at how God is healing our son!

THank you for your prayers sorry for any spelling errors. Penny will update later in the day with a better update.
Corbin's Mommy Terri