lilteach3234 Update
lilteach3234 Update
Good evening all,
Well, I have tried to post several updates but always ended up either being logged out before I could post and when I got back in, my update was lost or inadvertently closing the silly thing out myself. Needless to say, I was too tired to retype. Anyway, a lot has happened since my last post, she woke up Wed feeling pretty good, considering. Around 8am, they removed the ventilator tube but by 3pm, she started having difficulty breathing and by 4pm, they had put the ventilator tube back in. It was discovered that she had fluid in the lining around her lungs and some around her heart which was making it very difficult for them to oxygenate her blood. It took the rest of Wed, and all of Thursday for them to aleviate this problem and by Friday, they were able to remove the tube successfully. On Saturday, they moved her from CV critical care to the ICU and she has been doing very well so far. Will post more later. My grand daughter is crying and I need to go feed her.