Hey Paul!!!
You only live about 5 miles from me. I live in Littleton as well, at Mineral & Platte Canyon. My husband works at Broadway & Dry Creek!!
We have about 40 inches of snow here. My family and I spent the last 2 days digging out. The plow finally came by yesterday (Thursday) at about 3pm. We lost power at 10:30pm on Tuesday and didn't get it back until yesterday after 4pm. Sooo, not only were we stuck here, but we were cold and in the dark too! Fortunately, our house is very well insulated and we have a fireplace in the basement. We cooked on a coleman stove, a large propane burner, and a small propane burner. Gourmet hot dogs anyone?
The kids are still out of school, today (day 4) because the engineers want to look at all the school roofs. Next week is spring break, so the kids just got "almost" a two week vacation.
My in-laws are driving home from Tucson today. I guess I should get the young-un's over there to shovel for grandma & grandpa. We're all so sore though...I'm not sure we'll make it.
We made it to the store after the plow came through, but the shelves were pretty bare. We just picked up some milk & bread.
All in all, it's been an adventure. Oh and the long range forcast (6-10 days) has us getting another foot next Thursday night!!!