Light headed after heart cath

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Jun 17, 2010
I had my heart cath on Tuesday 7/6 and was told my arteries were clear and everything looked good except for my mitral valve. After they released me I got light headed and sick in the car on the way home but it seemed to get better by the next day. My question is how long did it take to get over the heart cath? It will be a week tomorrow and I am still having problems with feeling light headed when I get up and move around. Has anyone else had this problem?

Liz that is not normal. Maybe on the same day from laying there for hours, but not a week later. Contact your doc asap.
I agree with Ross. Call. Justin often feels sick, dizzy the day OF the cath, from the meds (and he gets pretty knocked out for his) but the next day, beside a little soreness he is fine.
Sometimes caths DO mess with your electrical paths/rythym, so I really would call the doctor NOW and let them know what is going on.
I agree...I felt lightheaded when I first stood up...but after walking halls I was fine. You should contact doctors office. Robin
Well I seen my doctor this afternoon and he seems to think that I am just having a reaction to the narcotics. I have been taking a narcotic pain pill for pain since I had the cath. He also said that Fentanyl which is what they used, is a narcotic pain killer and they can sometimes lower your blood pressure to much. My blood pressure was low when I was there but he didn't find anything else that he thought could be the problem. I am happy to know it was nothing more than that, but it also makes me a little worried about pain control when I have my surgery if I can't take them.

Liz've been taking Fentynal for a week after a cath? I can't imagine what they are going to put you on after heart surgery! Talk about using a sledge hammer for a tack! I'm sure you'll feel better after you quit taking it.
I'm very surprised to read you required any pain meds but certainly not anything more than a tylenol or two. I had absolutely no post procedure pain or even discomfort. Do you have a fever? Is there a large hematoma at the site?

This really sounds very unusual.

Hope you feel better very soon but I would consult with my primary care if cardio has not helped you feel better.
Heavy duty stuff for a cath. Husband uses the Fentynal patch for his pains he has cancer. Ask your Doctor what will be your pain med choices , I get sick from some pains meds and like you brings my pressure down. I was taking Dilaudid worked pretty good for me. Good luck
I just had my first cath 2 weeks ago and did not have any pain or problems. I had to lay for 4 hours since they could not use the special plug for some reason. I stayed in the hospital an extra day since they put me on Digoxin and wanted to make sure everything was OK. I was already in the hospital for 2 days since I was not feeling well. DId not take any kind of pain meds and was pretty well awake during my cath. We talked quite a bit while they did it. Just my own expeirnce. Pat

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