Life Insurance

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Just wondering what to expect when I try to upgrade or apply for additional life insurance. I fully expect to be denied but I really don?t know for sure. I have a St Jude mech AV and my docs tell me I have a normal life expectancy but somehow I doubt if the insurance companies will buy that. I am 49 and just passed a full physical without any other health matters. Anyone have the scoop on what to expect?
I highly doubt that you'll be able to get any additional insurance and will pretty much have to settle for what you have. I've heard others say that they can't get insurance, so I've made sure to keep what I have even though it is extemely outdated.

I don't know. It's hearsay on my part, but I would expect them to deny. I'd love to hear someone tell me I'm wrong. :(
Hey Randy,
You should be able to more life insurance but it will be rated up because of the heart condition. Mine has always be rated except for the group insurance with the city.
Take Care

Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Heart Center of the Rockies
Hi Randy

Don't bother for about 2-3 years. We tried the year after Tyce's surgery.....yes, he could get it, but wow was it expensive.....not worth trying, so said our insurance agent, for at least 2-3 years post. Good luck and if you get it, please let us all know from whom.

It would help to know if your policy is a private policy or a group policy. SOME group policies have an 'open enrollment' once per year which allow you to increase your coverage by one or two 'steps' each year without having to provide proof of insurability.

Check your policy - some policies have a provision wherein you can increase your coverage annually or biannually, or whatever, without being rerated. My husband's universal life policy was like this.

Without such a provision, Al's advice stands. And you will be rated if you to the point that they'll write you at all.

Hey Marcia (Birky)! What say you?
I?m ok on my group policy but I am thinking about changing employers. I will probably be ok on a new group policy to some extent. Guess I will give up for now on establishing a new private policy and look into expanding my current policy. Thanks all for your input, just wondering what others have run in to?
Always denied.....AVR put me right in the "High Risk - Defect" category with several insurance companies. Fortunately, had policies in place beforehand.
Les AVR '93 / '95
hi, I ve tried to increase my insurance for years and never was able to even with passing many physicals. I always tell people increase your policy b4 you get sick like take out big money b4 40. THEY can never take away or decreasethe amout b4 illness hfk::cool:
I was told I couldn't get any...........

I was told I couldn't get any...........

My father took out a small policy (whole life) when I was five years old. He then took out two more policies in my early twenties before my heart surgery but after my rheumatic fever. Therefore, the amounts weren't anything spectacular. All I have is those three policies, but I was told I could never buy any whole life due to my condition. I haven't tried to, so I am not sure if I could. I am sure if someone wanted to take a chance the premiums would be outrageous though!
Group Life Insurance

Group Life Insurance

I was surprised when I went back to work for Kaiser at advanced age with a St. Jude mechanical that among my generous benefits was 100K life insurance. A big group can apparently do this. Randy if you have a young family, you may consider looking for a job where the group is big enough they can afford to give all employees life insurance as one of the benefits.
I've only been able to get life insurance once through group. It would have been an excellent insurance with low rates, and coverage whether I had a pre-existing illness or not (which, of course, I did). Unfortunately, my health got worse and I had to quit the job. I haven't been able to get any kind of insurance since, until I got on disability.


I will say this from experience from years ago and what is still happening today. Life insurance companies have always been hard to get for cardiac patients. My mother had a hard time getting one on me when I was younger. I can't remember the company she was able to get one. But even nowadays, the insurance will not even touch one of us for the possibility of a sudden death from our heart condition. Maybe someday, the insurance, especially life insurance companies, will change with the times. Just hang in there and keep what you do have.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve

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