Okay, Gina....into the basement with Bubba, me and Cooker!
Hey - now don't be hassling us chain smoking alcoholics. We have rights too.![]()
Re tish tosh and bull excrement, broadly in line with those, may I share a much used crude northern English term of ridicule. Bollocks.
From the English to American dictionary:- bollocks n testicles. The word is in pretty common use in the U.K. and works well as a general “surprise” expletive in a similar way to “bugger.” The phrase “the dog’s bollocks” is used to describe something particularly good (yes, good) — something like: See that car — it’s the dog’s bollocks, so it is.” This in turn gives way to copy-cat phrases such as “the pooch’s privates” or “the mutt’s nuts,” which all generally mean the same thing. Brits also describe a big telling-off as a “bollocking,” and also use the word to mean “rubbish”: Well, that’s a load of bollocks. Some additional U.S./U.K. confusion is added by the fact that the words “bollix” and “bollixed” are sometimes used in the U.S. to describe something thrown into confusion or destroyed.
Bonzo, thank for the info. I was really wondering what "tish tosh" means? Do you also know what "LOL-LOL means? I understand that this is not be the right time to do the corresponding from Greek to English & American translation, etc.
Bonzo, thank for the info. I was really wondering what "tish tosh" means? Do you also know what "LOL-LOL means? I understand that this is not be the right time to do the corresponding from Greek to English & American translation, etc.
Hello again and thanks for the encouragement. However, this guy is driving me crazy. Please also read:
According to this article there are so many possible complications that It seems that someone has to be very lucky to escape from all these.
Anyway, I will follow all the replies received but mostly I will do what Russell55advised: Scr.... the complete article.
Petros the likelihood is very small, but those are very real possibilites and is one people should consider before surgery. I get yelled at all the time for posting about the same thing and get accused of scaring people, but it's the truth. Would you rather be lied to? I'm pulling this number out of the air based on peoples experiences here, but I'd say there is a 97 to 98% chance of none of these occuring and a 2 or 3% chance that one or more will occur. Unfortunately, I am in the 2-3% category.
Nausea and vomiting
Infections at the site of the IVs, wires, or tubes
Minor bleeding or bruising
Abnormal or painful scar formation
Allergic skin reaction
Skin numbness
Atrial fibrillation.
Heart attack
Valve replacement failure
Loss of life.
Other possible major complications of aortic valve replacement include (but are not limited to):
Heart or lung problems, including:
o Irregular heart rhythms
o Temporary or permanent damage to your heart's electrical system
o Pneumonia
o Lung or heart failure
o Rupture of the heart wall.
Kidney failure
Allergic reaction to medication
Nerve or organ damage
Transmission of disease from blood products
Other rare and unlikely events.
Hello again and thanks for the encouragement. However, this guy is driving me crazy. Please also read:
According to this article there are so many possible complications that It seems that someone has to be very lucky to escape from all these.
Anyway, I will follow all the replies received but mostly I will do what Russell55advised: Scr.... the complete article.
If you have ever had even any minor surgery, or have ever been on any medication there is a long list very similar to that. The doctors group that I work for have an extremely long list, extremely similar to the one you have pointed out to us. They have the exact same list for procedures as small as an ingrown toenail to as large as major surgery. All surgeries come with their share of complications at some point, for somebody, but that is more rare than you think. You can drive yourself crazy thinking about the what-ifs but what about if you dont have the surgery? Unfortunately, much like the other article you brought to us, this one does not point out the statistics of these type of complications happening but you have to go with the risk vs. benifit ratio in any procedure you have done and any medication you take that can cause side effects.
Hello again and thanks for the encouragement. However, this guy is driving me crazy. Please also read:
According to this article there are so many possible complications that It seems that someone has to be very lucky to escape from all these.
Anyway, I will follow all the replies received but mostly I will do what Russell55advised: Scr.... the complete article.
There is a risk of complications from ANY surgery -- not just valve replacement surgery. In my experience anyway, doctors are required to run down the list of every possible bad result and get your informed consent to the surgery beforehand. The risk of loss of life is way down in the low single-digits. On the other hand, the risk if you say no to VR surgery that tests show is clearly needed is 100 percent.
I have never seen the litany of complications made particular to one kind of surgery and sensationalized in such a manner. My suggestion is that you leave that website alone and turn to other sources of information. You might Google the Cleveland Clinic, the No. 1 heart facility in the U.S. There is much good information there.