They're here!
They're here!
I ended up going to stay with LD on Friday so that I would be sure to be present for the birth of my children. Nathan intended to wait for "the call" before he made the 3 hour drive. He got that call Saturday night around 9ish. I drove LD to the hospital because her back was hurting big time and she didn't feel "right." Low and behold, she was dilated to a 4! :eek
However, she did not progress much past that the next 12 hours, so her doc told her she could get pitocin or go home. She was starving and tired, so she asked to go home. We went back in Sunday night after food, naps, showers, and a walk. She was still only 5-6 cm dilated.
But she had come to the point where she was done. She told the nurse to tell her OB that she wouldn't leave until she was no longer pregnant. He said to get some rest and he'd come in the morning to break her water.
We were given our own (tiny) room and took the opportunity to get some sleep (as best we could on a hospital bed and cot (at least we have practice). Around 8:15 on Monday morning he broke her water and about 15 minutes later started her on a low dose (4) of pitocin. Contractions got a bit more frequent and a tad stronger, but still not enough... They upped the pitocin to 6 and things really picked up. I decided to go pump one last time (it was emotionally difficult watching LD go through so much for us). About 7 minutes later I get a text from Nathan to "wrap it up." I pack up my things as fast as I can and rush back to the room. She'd gotten to 8 cm dilation and things were really picking up. Before we knew it she was saying she needed to push and the nursing staff jumped into action, wheeling her down to the OR (for "in case").
Getting her settled into the OR felt like it took forever, but it probably only took minutes. As soon as Dr. K walked in, he got to work giving LD instructions.
Kyla Rose was born vaginally at 10:59 AM, weighing 6 lbs. 2 oz. and measuring 19.5 inches long. Through my tears I watched the nurses clean off my daughter (my daughter!).
Then I heard LD screaming. Lucas had turned breech and Dr. K was reaching in to turn him manually. Being unmedicated, LD was in a TON of pain (up until then she was very controlled). Finally, Dr. K pulled him out feet first. He didn't start crying right away and the nurses shooed us away so the could take care of him. Just as they pulled out the O2 mask Lucas let out a great cry! He weighed 6 lbs 13 oz. and measured 20.5 inches long.
I felt torn between my daughter, my son, and LD. As I checked on her she told me to go be with my babies. I was handed Kyla and Nathan got Lucas. Just before we took them to the nursery to be weighed and such Dr. K came to take a look at Lucas and said to make sure they checked his arm because he had felt something pop.
In the nursery we each stayed with one of the twins, then switched. The nurse examining Lucas noticed that he wouldn't move his right arm, so they contacted the orthopedist and would not let him be moved until after an xray and ortho consult.
I was torn, but Kyla needed to eat, so I went with her to our room and Nathan stayed with Lucas.
I can't explain how wonderful it was to put Kyla to my breast and have her latch on the first try! She ate for a good 20 minutes before falling asleep.
Nathan called to say that Lucas's blood sugar was low and they needed to give him vit. D (I think that's right) either through a tube down his throat or a bottle. As much as I didn't want to, I okayed the bottle. Later I got a text saying that Lucas's right arm was broken and they were sending him to NICU until the ortho determined what to do so they could manage pain.
While I was waiting on word about Lucas I texted LD to find out how she was feeling. David texted back to say she was losing a lot of blood and they were taking her for a D&C. I immediately started praying and worrying.
In the mean time, the nursery came to take Kyla for her bath. I decided to take the opportunity to go see Lucas. Unfortunately, the NICU was at shift change and I wasn't allowed in.

So I returned to the room and waited on word from LD's husband. Just as I was losing patience waiting for them to return Kyla to me I found out LD was back from the D&C (it may sound like it took very little time to get this news,but it felt like an eternity to me). So I went to the nursery and they were just finishing with Kyla. I asked if we could stop at LD's room first so she could see her.
OMG, seeing LD so pale was heart wrenching. I hated knowing that we had played a part in her feeling lousy. We showed her Kyla, then left to give her some time to heal.
I was finally able to go see Lucas, so Nathan stayed with Kyla while I went to NICU. The orthopedist happened to come by while I was there (along with my SIL). He showed me the xray. Lucas's humerus bone (the bone between the elbow and shoulder) had a complete break in the middle of it. So he decided to splint his whole arm, just to immobilize it for comfort, as baby bones heal very easily (if an older child or adult had the same break, they would need plates and pins :thud). I sat with Lucas, with my finger in his mouth for comfort, while the doctor wrapped his arm. The brave (or in shock?) boy didn't cry at all. The only indications that he was in pain were facial expressions and he would suck harder on my finger... After he was done the doc said he saw no reason why Lucas needed to stay in NICU. Yea!!!
He was released to the nursery where they finally gave him a "bath." While they did that, I went back to the room to try to feed Kyla again. Soon after, we had both babies together for the first time outside the womb.